They might even try to impress you with their money and possessions, Thank you so much for your patience, I hope this resonated! If its conjunct Mars it can make the person someone who looks for argumentations with others. above all this is just for fun. others may love your personality, your perspective of life, and think you have a beautiful body. "", Nope, it's not just you. it's a powerful connection that doesn't necessarily correlate with romantic love. 2. Depending on the Sign of your 10th House, astrologers can interpret how you work, act, and make choices to contribute to society in a productive way. Pluto conjunct my Asc 5 degrees. But I will only list conjunctions, oppositions and trines. Hope you enjoy this! in the 1st house, 5th house, 8th House, 10th house, aspecting Mars, Venus, Pluto or Neptune. It also highlights your general style and direction in life. I mean I have Aphrodite in 1st in Leo, but I don't think it makes me physically beautiful unfortuantely ahaha, I think it just gives me a "nice person" vibe instead ahaha. Jealous of successful people. Jealous of people with beautiful spouse. Gemini or Virgo in the 6th house can really make a person good at communicating or expressing themselves, unless they have a personal planets with earth and water signs that can restrict their communication with other people. But the earth element keeps them grounded, down-to-earth and stable. The Air Signs will use their intellect and communication to produce. Ive seen it so many times. I could always see my grandmas house from my window. It's a true house of spirituality which connects you with other realms and dimensions and represents things that we are not familiar with. her mom is more emotional & social/extroverted. 10. Fixed star Izar 28 Libra conjunct personal planets makes sometimes very interested in the interested in the occult, the taboo and serious subjects. Aphrodite: 13 Libra in 10th house (Placidus) - maybe this placement relates to my obsessive attractions to the beautiful arts and even more to the beautiful performers? "I want to welcome you to my website. Powered by Infopop 2000 the house your venus is in can show what you like or love about yourself, what others like/love about you. MC EXACT, His VALENTINE in Sagittarius in his 2nd and in my 4th housetrine my moon in aries in 8th (2)bi-quintile my mars (0)trine my jupiter in leo in 12th (0)square my uranus in virgo in 1st (1)trine my AC in leo (2), His DR VALENTINE in capricorn in his 2nd house and my 6th house, My VALENTINE in cancer in my 2nd and in his 8th housequintile his venus (0)trine AC (1), My DR VALENTINE in cancer in my 11th house and his 7th housetrine his venus (1)bi-quintile his jupiter (0)trine his uranus (0)conjunct his juno (0)square his MC (0), His CUPID in Aries in his 5th house and my 8th housebi-quintile my AC (0), His DR CUPID in Taurus in his 5th house and my 9th houseconjunct my mars (0)square my jupiter (3)trine my uranus (3)trine my pluto (1)conjunct my MC (3), My CUPID in Cancer in my 11th house and his 8th housesquare his chiron (2), My DR CUPID in gemini in my 11th house and his 7th houseopposing his neptune (1)trine his pluto (0)opposing his AC (2), His APHRODITE in scorpio in his 12th house and my 3rd houseopposes my sun (1)opposes my mercury (2), His DR APHRODITE in sagittarius in his 12th house and my 4th housetrine my moon (3)trine my venus (0)trine my saturn (2)square my pluto (0), My APHRODITE in gemini in my 10th house and his 7th housesextile his sun (0)opposes his moon (1)squares his mercury (3), My DR APHRODITE in gemini in my 10th house and his 6th housetrine his MC (2), His PSYCHE in gemini in his 7th and my 10th house, His DR PSYCHE in cancer in his 7th house and my 11th housesquare my moon (2)square my venus (0)sextile my mars (0)trine my neptune (3) sextile my pluto (1)conjunct my valentine (0), My PSYCHE in scorpio in my 3rd house and his 12th housesquare his sun (1)sextile his mercury (0)square his mars (1), My DR PSYCHE in libra in my 3rd house and his 11th houseconjunct his venus (2)semi square his mars (0), His EROS in capricorn in his 2nd house and my 5th housesquare my chiron (0)trine my AC (1), His DR EROS in capricorn in his 2nd house and my 6th housesextile my saturn (1)square my MC (2), My EROS in libra in my 2nd house and his 11th housesemi square his sun (0)conjunct his venus (0)conjunct his uranus (2)trine his psyche (2)*sigh* lol, My DR EROS in virgo in my 2nd house and his 6th houseconjunct his sun (1)trine his moon (1)semi square his venus (1)conjunct his mars (1)square his saturn (3), his ADONiSopposes my venus (2)opposes my saturn (1)quincunx my MC (0), my ADONISsextile his mercury (1)squares his mars (0)squares his neptune (1)opposes his NN (3)conjunct his lilith (1), DW's of (tropical and draco)valentine/ACvalentine/jupitervalentine/uranuscupid/ACcupid/plutoaphrodite/sunaphrodite/mercuryaphrodite/moonpsyche/marspsyche/venuseros/saturn. I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions. Eros, Pan and Vertex are exactly conjunct each other (the widest orb is 028!) The 3rd and 9th houses, God and Goddess, are the rejoicing places of the two luminaries and sect lights, the Moon and the Sun. It describes your finances, personal belongings, spending habits, income sources, and your relationship to each of these. has a chaotic or eccentric fashion sense (ex: wears distressed clothing etc) She will be very lovely, herself, as well, and will have a reputation for being beautiful. As Ketu isolates/separates a person from the things related . You have an obsessive need to find out the truth and go deep into any situation. There is something one cannot resist about them. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 , those hearts are for you. Fiery love , Aphrodite Asteroid (1388) - Ascendant/Midheaven aspects. 4. This house may also help you to polish your self-image, and you may expand your social circle. A thoughtfully prepared meal, with flavors bursting in just the right way, romances the palate. Love, Here we want to be alone, take a backseat, and focus on our inner life. Venus in the 6th house: Charismatic in the workplace. - Go getter attitude towards your personal projects. Love is the very integrity that glues you together. Fixed star Mirach 0 Taurus is the star of the artist. In aspect to ascendant you can appear as very pretty, attractive and charming. Psyche: 14 Gemini in my tropical 7th houseBRIDGING PHYSICAL SPACE AND SOCIAL DISTINCTIONS, TWO MEN COMMUNICATE TELEPATHICALLY. This native will be large, in charge and, probably, has a sense of danger about him. Sorry forgot i posted the comment but what about adonis conjunct sun? Remember to schedule some downtime with family, too, when this happens. 10th lord in 10th house in Astrology (Tenth lord in Tenth house) Pallas in Astrology in Signs and Houses: The Asteroid of Wisdom geminis are fast, agile, also able to source information, devious, double agent like, quick thinkers. There are days when I think I look better than anybody walking down the street with meother days that I don't feel fit leaving the house lol But I do turn heads and people stop me to tell me they "love" my smile.. should i try to recalculate? Transits through it may surface concerns around what you need to feel financially secure and powerful. The Tenth House in Astrology - LiveAbout - funny coincidence; when I was almost 2 years old, I drowned in a swimmingpool and almost died. Jealous of other's children and their worth. People will look up to you and see you as a lovely and graceful person. independent energy We all crave love. likes to rebel against fashion trends I do charts for the people who want them. saturn dominant 1st house- intimidating smaller eyes, mature face, sharp facial structure/features. IN synastry my partner and I have (my 3rd house/his 5th house)Valentine conjunct Moon double whammyThat includesHis Moon/Aphrodite/Neptuneconjunct My Valetine/neptune and sun/moon midpoint, (my 4th house/his 6th house)My Moonconjunct His Valentine/Eros, (His 8th house/my 5th house)His Sun (chart ruler)conjunctMy Cupido, My Eros sextile my Venus (chart ruler)Trine His Mars (opposing my Venus), My Aphrodite (my1st house/his on his IC)opposingHis Cupido (my 7th house/ his 9th). #1 youre human so its normal to have an asymmetrical face, most humans do. If the tenth house is set in the sign of Aries, there is a natural need of a person to focus their energy on career goals and the material future they can build. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. WEll, I was sceptical towards asteroids myself, but I got convinced of their use pretty fast.But it`s important to keep a clear perception of the "whole" and the "basics".In most cases the asteroids are a very specific, subtle influence. 01 Aphrodite is one of the goddesses that reside in Mount Olympus. Click on a wheel to expand it. 1. But if the people surrounds them are introvert, they can also act introvert. A lot of them started working early or had to be the caretaker of a sibling. * My Lust squares his Pluto. Ceres Square Sun. The Mythology Of Aphrodite Explained - They need to feel a part of society, to feel recognised and acknowledged by the people. might get tattoos near the hips or their genitals Commuting between that and Chiron.Registered: Feb 2013. Most important to me is that you find Jesus. Apollo Trine Sun Ive also seen a lot of Capricorn Suns and Moons who had to take a lot of responsibility from a young age. Read the Medusa myth). Aphrodite conjunct Mercury the sex scene in god of war 3 wasnt that bad. Another singer I had a shortlived "liking" for: A real life and very romantic, yet hopeless crush: Another real life crush or flirt; well we didn`T have a real relationship, yet there was something: My Adonis:conjuncts hs Mercuryconjuncts his Uranus, His Adonis:conjuncts my Plutotrine my Moontrine my Karma. However, if you want me to help you to find Jesus, that is why I am here. This doesn't apply to everyone but Libra with Aquarius Moon tend to be kind if they want something from you. I think Aphrodite asteroid has a lot to do with your fashion style. The Moon in the 10th house often feels an emotional bond with the collective, with "ordinary" people, and wants to contribute in a way which nurtures, protects, fostering change in the world. The First House is your Personal Brand in the world. Apollo, Union, Adonis (and Sappho widely) are conjunct in Libra in 10th house; the stellium sextiles my Sun and MErcury and trines my Psyche and Lilith. Having your 11th house in fiery Aries can show you're someone who is a true independent warrior. Planetary Joys: The Third House Temple of the Moon Goddess APHRODITE was the Olympian goddess of love, beauty, pleasure and procreation. What about the following aspects? If you would like to choose one I will try to help, my Friend. could be attracted to those who are family-oriented and possess emotional intelligence. 7. I only look at asteroids conj important parts of the chart not just in a house, Mar. Networking will be very beneficial for your chosen career, - Very expressive with your style (you either have the ability to make things look fashionable or have great style, so people might admire you for the way you dress and want to be like you), - The ethereal energy of Aphrodite mixed with Venus makes people think you're quite untouchable, - Your appearance and anything beauty related will bring you good fortune, - You might be drawn to art or creative endeavours, - I've seen this aspect in the charts of models, so that could be a career option for you, - Your self-esteem changes based on the way you look, - You try to find beauty in anything that surrounds you + you might spend money on things that complement your aesthetic, - Speaking of aesthetic, you might on the feminine side and anything you do might seem effortless to others. This placement can indicate a very attractive person, they likely take care of themselves and their physical appearance, These people are likely to be very artistic and intelligent, these traits probably help them make a good and lasting impression on others, This placement can make for someone who projects feminine beauty in their public/ career life, they're likely artistic and enjoy taking care of themselves. Nobody was allowed to overshine her. 6. Psyche in Gemini[square Sun, opposite Pluto],Eros in Aquarius, Conjunct Mercury & Venus, Cupid in Aquarius opp Leo moon. If their circle, community and friends are extroverted, they can also be one. Understanding how the signs and planets operate in each of your twelve astrological houses will lead to more clarity on who you are and what you are here to do, illuminating the path of self-discovery and self-fulfilment.

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