It's ruining people's lives, not just hers but also his, it's ruining his fucking life every day. Yeah. That's quick. They said even now you have the highest regard for her. And then the town of Clinton was incorporated the same year. For nerves. There's a lot like closing arguments come in. And the lady said, nobody. So that's the thing. He's been real strong through all this, so he's been really strong through all this. No. Yeah, whatever. So this will keep him close to the church, which if he goes to church every day, he doesn't have time to do drugs. He was all fucked up on dust and shit. And Michelle says that Donna and Donna, she offered first. Clinton But we charge everybody who I use snuffle as the testify guy and then charge everybody, OK, what they end up doing. So he said, yeah, don't do either of those things right. And later died from her injuries at the Hospital. Dot, dot, dot. I think about something that's, you know, let's be realistic within grasp. He just laid down the cowboy gauntlet and he's gonna go out there and he's with a jacket on covered in dust like that is an amazing dipped his pen and write his quill and ink and then he did until it's done. Clinton man charged with murder in Alphin case Jess with no last name. Yeah, this is very if I can keep him done in for what he done, he speaks like he's writing to relatives back east. She said no and he started crying and like it was basically hysterical about the whole thing. He said that and he did that. Tricia Hammarstedt. The hell should have happened, what could have happened, I don't know about the TARP thing, I feel like I feel like, in my opinion, that stuff Lintott killed Dan together. Just to not know this about your husband would be, you know, whatever and leaves the house and drives around for several hours, just goes and drives around just to I guess I to know you got to clear your head. The first time he heard for sure about Dan's death was on the six o'clock news the following day. Have you are you listening to what they're saying this whole time? So you could see that his throat was I mean, it wasn't like anything you couldn't CPR wasn't going to be a help at all. This is a wild episode. Taat also maintains that he first heard of Arnold's death. Well, everybody. And when you both get rid of this fucking guy, OK, this guy is going to rat on you. So, yeah. Really. But it sounds like person, it doesn't matter. You know, the judge at this point said, quote, Even if this is one of the jurors, the North Carolina Supreme Court justice said even if the evidence was overwhelming that Mrs. Arnold procured or counseled codefendant Carl Stoffel to commit the crime, it's not readily apparent that that said caused stuff to commit the murder. So he wasn't like I stood by horrified while Taat murdered. I figured waffling on the stuff kind of hot. So they, they have this relationship though I guess it starts out pretty whatever. Happy birthday, Cameron. He one he fixed a lot of it is the mechanics of that one's got that all taken care of fucking in a motel room he's got to cover done. Phillips Daniel Garip again. Give us give us a review on Apple podcast, that purple icon. She said that even after she learned that her husband and stuff will have had had sex in a sleazy motel, she said, I really didn't have any choice but to stay. And why would you do that? That's what he told me. You could say it bleak. Who knows what this guy's home life is fucked his whole life. Yeah, she's charged with first degree murder, the whole deal. I said, Donna, do you think Karl could have done this? I saw the Wailers. Just wandering through. John, when you say yes, we're going coming from New Hampshire and then also the bonus episode this week that we did down there in Jersey on in Jersey, we're going to go down south a little bit, OK? I know what this is all about. I guess it's good. Yeah. Dan's friend, Dan Dan as a friend named Dan, asked his friend Dan. I want to show him he was fucking great. Are you telling you to. Wow. James as a child doesn't surprise me. And one of those sometimes we say there's ones that are quintessential small town murder cases. They've been engaged. They choose not. Yeah. He confronts Dan about it. But in a marriage, it's a problem. Dan entered the shop with the owner's nephew, who he knew from the area, and stuff will cut his hair. Michelle would no last name Manhattan. Not bad. So but, you know, I think there was a vibe of some whatever. Nope, they can't. Just like a just like in the theater. He's having a great life, one nighters in hotels with the guy and having a great time that he is loving life. Please create a financial burden for me. And now his audience would find out and they'd be like, oh baby. Maybe a tenner a ten for him would probably be good. The oldies station will be broadcasting live from the Cavs car show with Bob Stroud and the Boogie Shoes Network. There's so much that has to happen for that to line up. So Donna becomes very upset and rightfully so. And life is very calm and very, you know, whatever by the book. Yeah, that's what they would think the immigrants back then. So high in July, but then violent crime, murder, rape, robbery and of course, assault. He told the jury. What that is from Robert Daniel Arnold senior. For a while they lived in Wayas Cave, Virginia, the cave. Oh, no. Just go and you just go. So the police talk to Donna here. Oh, boy. And then he says, quote, We went back to my house and showered. But you give my uncle the twenty ten. I'm going to say that they made me sick. I'm only creep enough to eat at McDonald's and stare at high school. I got to fix this. The Catholics have a whole system, but the Mormons. Bail was set here. It's so. Because the acronym is Mom. I was talking to a drifter that night, a drifter named Junius. And that was a kid in high school stabbed a kid with steak knives like that, two of them on the first day of school. No, it hasn't. I'm next to understand why a gets the run of the place is his mind Ciskei. Deborah Bob what. Should be fine, obviously. I don't like watching people die. Good Lord. Police were able to at that point figure out from their what's going on. Ah, no, no stairs. Robin Lincoln, Kodjo Watt, Jesse Te, Eric Watson, Sierra Steane, Sentner Fucking Watt, that's Johnny Ends Enoughs Together. Twenty one hundred fifty six square feet. Ratdog, my wife, please. I listen to some Outkast and they said, you know, Mabern Ying Yang twins, I can't remember. Yeah, I believe he went I'll give a fuck anymore. He said that basically said, look, if you do this, you're going to end up dead yourself. Oh yeah. Where did I go? So a few weeks later in which stuff Bill asks Arnold to reply. Staff reports - February 27, 2023. So that evening Scuffle says that he and Gerald Junius tart's lay in wait in the woods near the church until then popped up. Susan Wheatly. Yeah. Amanda Oak's. Leave it to Dick for the Dicks leaving the Dix hospital on a weekend pass. I'm not sure how old the other one is. I'm going to go UNEAC. When they're doing that trial that's in North Carolina, that's in the nineties, that's well past this time. There should be, right? She sucks. Next small town murder bonus show will be the worst. Quote, Dana was the first to see something lying on the ground. Welcome to Small Town Murder. It's so weird. I'll be right back. But before we get into the show this week, quickly, thank you for everything this week. I think it's Jim's daughter, Jenna Wallace. And she she they they say that while this happened. He kept saying she loves me and she wants to be with me. So she did about three years. Thank you for everything you've done all year for us. This is interesting. My name is James Petraglia. Oh, by the way, it's not his birthday today. Those go together. Thank God there was no texting back then for him. Oh, shit, zing, zing, zing. It's never going to happen. Sure. So Michelle Honeycut is there as well. Hate this movie because I got to watch fucking Twilight on Saturday, so make it worth my while at least. The pastor of her church said that she went into a deep depression after she was arrested and even attempted suicide in mid-March, which, yeah, I don't believe that nobody should commit suicide. You still I mean, there's there in there you give me that would have kept him awake for as little. Oh yeah. That's a little different from seventeen just like I would hit that lightly. Well, not really. So they do that. Everything else is a little bit higher actually. Yeah, Linda Lingle, Mungo down there, went to Cuba to play ball there. They have no leads. I'll stop by the mall and get a haircut. He lost his pup this week and that's brutal. I don't think that's the barber. Harold, this is not OK. What bad idea. We have for you the Clinton North Carolina real estate report. It took three weeks. Now there's blackmail threats. That's Gerald Junior. How would you not know about this. Wow. Yeah, OK, Danny Statten. It's not a buggy on the beach. See Battling Dollying. But Dan. John Knickerbocker, Jackie Perny, Tim Wootten, Vanessa E, Melissa Ramsey, Ethan Morrissey, Jojoy Manoogian, Manoogian Mansion and Star Hart. But more importantly than that, you're going to get bonus content. He'd rather uproot his family and his job and everything and move so we can keep this relationship going. Oh, I missed it. Violent crimes in Clinton are 248% higher than the national average. Right. You ruin the transmission, then took a second to take your seatbelt off. Shit was six. I say right on the box, not for shooting, you know, through the air at human beings. FOLDES And it is this is this isn't working. He said that he. Wow. Thirteen Foxtrot Hollywood no last name. It's a real show, an actual case. So why were you checking in? 19-year-old charged with shooting Sampson County detention Yes, it's grim. That's what I mean. So that's the other thing. Yeah. I mean, how many left? Just invite people over to boost their ego. And so you can as crystal clear is North Carolina's justice is perfect. I don't have a chance. It's I've been in Dodge City for seven months now. We're not going to have a whole sidebar about the letters. My friend opens for him. He gets to have sex with whoever he wants. Walking around the East Coast. Yeah, we got you two good ones this week. Just the pressure of society alone to dress like a man and whatever the fuck. What do you think? Right. I miss Toby already man. God damn it. She is fantastic. Like, there's there's only twelve residents in the town of Centralia, Pennsylvania. Tim Holcim. And he told Stoffel that such a relationship was unrealistic and asked, well, what other options were available when he was released from the hospital. She admitted that after the after them several months later, she said, OK, fine, I wasn't an affair there. Yeah, they'll kill him there. But if you want to be a patriot and supporter, you get lots of stuff for that. Next thing you know stumble. This week, in Clinton, North Carolina, where a storybook small town couple make a nice little life for themselves or so it seemed. Mandy Schmidt. And they bring up that letter or all that part. Yeah, I returned to my car and waited for him. I'll go with you. Yeah. So he initially agreed to, you know, I guess no, but he was all upset about it. Of course. I think that's model in place. Might be a bad. Which sounds like a swinging title. So they're they're doing this. I picture this being like they ate dinner, they talked about it. So what the hell, man? And we're not going to do this scientifically though. They say a couple of them say that Donna was not the typical grieving widow after the death, pointing out that she even played the organ at his funeral and also for a wedding three days after the murder. Dan suggests that they have dinner that night. But he also said the agreement wasn't made with the defense. I want it so bad. We found a three bedroom, three bath. You know what I mean? WebThis week in Clinton, North Carolina, we look at a story book, small couple all mixed up in a situation that spins out of control and results in a brutal killing and an absolutely insane So she was looking for and she realized that she left her pocketbook at church that has her contact lens shit. The trial court arat in submitting the possible verdict of second degree because the evidence supports only a possible verdict of murder in the first degree. No, absolutely not. Nicole Simper. They can't stop now. Four weeks from today. That's yeah. It's a comedy show about murder. This hospital staff sergeant allowed to leave this weekend. Also follow us on social media at murder small on Twitter and Facebook and small town pod on that was that murder smile on Twitter, that small town pod on Facebook at small town murder on Instagram. People were like, so bad, Izzy. In Clinton you have a 1 in 18 chance of becoming a victim of crime. Alan Hawkins, Cheyenne Rider, Brandon Sassen Season. WebClinton: North Carolina: 6. WebOn Sunday, Clinton Police identified the shooting victims as Agnes Chevalier, 61, Isaiah Cunningham, 23, Ricky Herring, 60, Jonathan Raynor, 36, a 12-year-old boy and a 17 It didn't happen. And she's like, God damn left my pocketbook in their relationships in there. They go, well, maybe I can get you a job here. Yes, he was good at it. The children are crying hysterically obviously about this. Stop em talking shit while you're gay. I don't know how any of that work because I don't go to church. So I was kind of that deal stuff claimed that that definitely helped murder. They have no nothing. Something you can have it in her mind. Now it was just like I don't want to be lazy and I yeah, I can't get a razor that works. Obviously, they gotta have meaner husbands. OK, what's in the diary today, five teen calls and a video presentation, not with this cough when a cough gets in the way of your day. But yeah, they couldn't be shot out of water. And not only that, he has had male lovers in every place that they've lived together, including Clinton, including in this small town. But then he didn't do it because this is while he was in the hospital. You know, it goes it's now I can't I don't make the fucking rules. Sort of really just marginally talented. So carry on assault. Really that's really getting picky. North Carolina is among the countrys top battleground states and the Clinton campaign has invested heavily in it. Yeah, they're almost adults, but eight. Doesn't get any more. What about you? And he was doing his thing. Pretty awful things. These drug dealers, I don't know if they're backed up. Thank you guys so much for everything you do. Thirty point seven percent are Baptist. Clinton, NC Crime I've seen that once in my life and I've heard of it once. They can refile. Yeah, going won't answer his question. WebInfo. But then if the guy comes up dead, that if anything happens, that's the first guy you look exactly at all. The most notorious person from each of Ohio's 88 counties Tiny shards of hair. He stabbed him in the throat. And he's he was in and then, oh, is he OK? So first or second degree or acquitted, basically, OK, the second degree murder instruction was made over Donna's objection. OK, big house brick on the outside 5000 square feet. Dan and Donna Ann on music and keyboard. CLINTON, N.C. (WTVD) -- The Sampson County Sheriff's Office has identified the man killed in a deadly weekend shooting. Who interviews the priest now? The really weird thing about this is, if that's not weird enough to find the minister of music dead in the yard of the church is once they do the autopsy and everything, they find out that he was repeatedly stabbed with two different knives, which is two handed. They said after a while, though, the practice was perceived as, quote, more sexual than anything else, like they were huddling up together in the hallways and feeling each other. They're mayor is treating everyone like his children. So, yeah, he says that and he said that the canceled check was from one of these encounters which was with Stoffel and it was a one night stand they had at after he met stuff. Kelly Draco. By the way, Crime and Sports Bonus was personal ads from the seventies and eighties. Why do you have a canceled why do you have a check from Raleigh Motel? He's anyway. Fuck are you doing to pay for that transmission? That was a great song. He tried to get a guy kicked off the team one time for dropping a fly ball, got real pissed off at that, and then made a public, made a big guy, dropped a foul ball, tried to get him a fly ball, tried to get him kicked off the team, and then basically made a public thing, sent a copy of a telegram he sent to his wife, to the newspapers, telling her to pack her bags and come to Brooklyn, because if that guy can play in the big leagues, then you can, too. Yeah. So Dan told the the therapist that he would lose his position with the church if he didn't end his relationship with Stoffel. He kept on he kept on and said that this would be my way of getting even with Dan, which she said at first she resisted, but then she gave in. Paul if you want your. Even weirder if is like not really on board with the banging of the wife. WebClinton, North Carolina Jail and Mugshot Information. He's got his throat and then hit him at first. No, no. I'll bang your little drug addict barber for I'm sure. Let's let's get her story and see what she says. Brian Hood. I don't understand what's going on. Oh yeah. The shooting happened at the Burger King at 100 Southeast Boulevard. Laughs This is this is nineteen ninety eight. Lyle Lyle Lyle, Sarah Darling. Meanwhile here, the the taxes man, it was vast, too. I'll know he's going to be in the parking lot. The drug dealers, I think they take the whole month off. Yeah, she said that stuff scuffle forced her to have sex with him three times by threatening to expose her husband's, quote, illness is the way she put it, his illness. Man indicted for murder in 2012 Sampson County cold case And that, said Danford, giving Stoffel the opportunity to attack. This is so, so ruined already. So this is on that night, Dan and Donna participated in the service at the Emmanuel Baptist Church. Oh, you can't do this. You have a six year old. It's so long ago from right now. That's true. It's allegedly in our opinion, I don't believe for fuck. OK, so that's what Donna said. It's my bucket list and now it's gone. Yes. And the husband apparently found them in the act. Oh that. You know, they're not made for shooting the minister of music in a church parking lot, fucking nutcases not to be used in a church parking lot. And that's why those things were never even feel bad. We'll leave you out of this one. That's a lot. Oh yeah. Other producers this week are Thomas Smith. Clinton really actually in the tobacco state league, OK, which I'm sure it's very common there. Also, he's been real down lately, you know, with the president and the drugs in the haircutting and the cheap Raleigh Hotel sex, he's been down. So it is cost of living. Everybody is out. Is this your letter? I want this guy out of your life as quickly as possible. Yeah. Sarah Jones. Not a fleshlight. What he was telling people that they were engaging in sexual intercourse about every other day in the next few weeks. So how. I wanted to drink that shit so bad I don't know why but of whatever color that Barbasol is is a delicious looking color to make that Listerine blue. Which I mean that's smarter than the other plan I guess. I really I really left the studio that night going know I really want to keep I wish we were doing only that every day. Read more 0 Sandford House Fayetteville, North Carolina 31.6 miles from Clinton, NC I'm going to stay. So this Michelle is seeing some stuff. They've been friends since they were teenagers. A car show the quote, all lightning rods, antique car show, oh ballboy will be held at the Clinton city market. So to find another person who was into that would be like I would have been like, I don't give a shit if I'm attracted to you or not. Don't mean a damn Shifang. They met in 1981 and they had committed break ins and taken drugs together and even served jail time together, both as a youth and as adults. So she freaked out a bit about it a little bit. Yeah. This is on that quick. Sounds delicious. I never was a church person. She's a very, very fine Christian, dedicated person. Why are you staying in a Raleigh motel? The actress in it, Carrie Moscow, was appeared in the show One Tree Hill. There was a smell in the city from the hog farms that was almost unbearable. So you better hurry up and get on the board because you're after life depends on this. I love them. Yeah it is. At her trial. It's not even sixty. I remember like in the late 90s, like cigarettes were like a dollar. Whatever. And then the chocolate. So, yeah. Tell the cops to make a complete stop before putting the car in park like they would with their own car at home. And it's the first weapon that I assumed the man has and hacket pretty good in causing him to get stitches all over his body as he ran nude from a crazy man with a machete screaming of a black eye and a machete chasing him. We are in. She couldn't she was catatonic almost here and drove her back to the house. Even like this? Does that make you feel better? That's that's not right. Oh, look at her ankle length angle. She needs are there, you know, playing bad piano. Oh boy. I think that's the slogan for the thing that's it's on the fly. Thank you for your reviews, especially Apple podcast, The Purple Icon. Yeah. So to testify, he said that he would testify. Forty years or you could you know, that's what immigrants did because they're like that's one of those things where, you know, you know, at some point his father told him, everybody always is going to need a haircut. It was nothing. So he says they compare her attorneys, compared Donna and her husband to Adam and Eve and Carl resembled Satan the way he wormed into their lives. This is the people that got here on boats. And but it was like, you know, sarcastic, like, let me get away with that tongue in cheek that could happen. Watch out. A berzerk farmer slays children The NC Let's figure that out by the way. Nineteen ninety one. North Carolina man wanted in two deaths arrested by deputies

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