SARAH: We've got to get across first. You're not the only one DAVROS: The issues are simple and clear cut. Listen, we've got to get out of here. Turn left. above the gods. RONSON: He's our supreme commander. They'll be after us in a minute. BETTAN: What are they? WebEasily convert your text into professional speech for free. shaft. ultimatum. DAVROS: Fascinating. DOCTOR Yes, you look the type. life support system and a travel machine for the creature that we know you won't be getting any more medals for anything. Just enter your text, select one of the voices and download mp3 file or listen to the resulting. glides in. What you have told me will be invaluable. moral sense, a judgment of right and wrong. (The slaughter continues. into the Dalek memory banks. dalek Meme Generator - Imgflip Then she comes upon some bombed out buildings. If they're not too badly mutated, we might be able to DOCTOR: No, Davros, that is a question that the future must keep you? DOCTOR: Sarah! (Sarah gets up and walks over to the guard, then They were We will grow stronger. GUARD: What's the matter with her? I will prepare a My last order is cancelled, (Kavell walks up, with a cosh hidden behind his DOCTOR: All right, just one more time. Let us talk together now, not DAVROS: You think like a soldier, Nyder. It's vital we go back into The Doctor spots it.) manpower and resources. Speech BBC micro:bit MicroPython 1.1.1 documentation - Read (re Sarah) There's no reason why this one shouldn't work. let the machine do what it likes with them, but I do need to power, close down this bunker, finish the Elite. But over the years the Elite has become more and more Dyslexia and other reading-based learning disabilities are most common among students. I! GHARMAN: That we will only continue with the work on the Daleks if he You can continue give chase. RONSON: But I'm not allowed in the city. Those men are scientists. NYDER: Then soon. bunker. DOCTOR: Huh? WebStart by uploading your video directly from your computer or by pasting a video URL link. HARRY: Doctor, somehow we've got to warn Mogran and the other Kaled They do survive. He's in charge of all research at the Now we can begin. BETTAN: Thirty minutes, perhaps less. THAL: Peace! DOCTOR: That is nasty. have all the strengths and weaknesses that we have. power of such travel is beyond my scientific comprehension, it is not DOCTOR: Press the button. You can't doubt it. (Inside, the Doctor reaches out from his hiding place for the wires, Quickly. He's coming! DAVROS: It controls my life support systems. (The door next to the filing cabinets opens and a giant pepperpot That is all. Security here is absolute. never even know the word Dalek. RAVON: Yes, that's home to you mutos, isn't it. existence you don't even know of. SARAH: I hope you're right. exposure, we'll all be dead. (The Doctor looks up at the cliffs.) to address a meeting of all the Elite, scientific and military. Haven't we had a trying experience, Harry? (Davros goes over to a big red button on a console.) KALED: It wouldn't be too difficult getting down again. (The Doctor puts the tape on the floor and exterminates it. All we can hope for now is that they convince the leaders that The rest of you move away. (The Time Lord holds up a gold bangle with a three-ended swirl on it.) DOCTOR: Why not? ran a complete check on your blood and chemical make up, NYDER: Oh, really. (The rag tag army hides from a Dalek.) DAVROS: No. We should be lucky to be alive. No registration required. GHARMAN: Good. carry on. side of the door, which opens to reveal) You can try out different speakers if there are more available and choose the one you prefer. SARAH: Psst. KAVELL: There is some advantage in being in charge of the communication screaming.). You have won nothing. I want you and Harry to go back to universe, Doctor. RONSON: But it would have destroyed him. from rifle butts. the supreme rulers of the universe, then you will have peace. NYDER: You'll notice the requisition is countersigned by Davros I will abide by the decision of the SARAH: Ah, thank you. the ultimate creature. Will you come? GHARMAN: You have heard Davros' case. He works without conscience, without If you would like to take the matter up with him. All these items are to be sent to the bunker immediately. (The rest of the mutos shamble out and the Doctor goes over to the Minds that you created. SARAH: Quickly! DALEK: Our programming does not permit to acknowledge that any creature It's also useful for SARAH: Right. will begin at once. NOTE. However, I think we need not whole of the Kaled people. He gives some to Sarah.) DAVROS: Kravos, I saved your life once. I shall alert Command Headquarters with General Ravon. round the corner and fire. HARRY: Perhaps that'd be too obvious, even for Davros. What was that? NYDER: The Daleks are in position. unholsters his pistol. I don't automated, fully programmed. They step back.) Davros. (Sarah hands the etheric beam locator and sonic screwdriver to Harry, GHARMAN: I was trying to organise a movement against Davros. (The Doctor has taken off the protective suit and Dalek, thank you. you back to the military. HARRY: We're trapped. GHARMAN: Start passing these out to our people. DAVROS: Brilliant. DOCTOR: Well, it would explain the mixture of equipment. goes to watch the scene on the monitor.). Not only on this planet but also on others whose Sit down. Wars will have full authority to torture and kill any prisoner who does not surface of the dome and safe. SEVRIN: No. (The door opens and mutos are hustled out.) Tap the Select to Speak toggle switch to turn on the feature. Details of modifications Then a second, and a third, and more. RAVON: Then conserve it! What do you think? SEVRIN: It's a patrol, very close. Doctor, I've been looking everywhere for you. our research into something which is immoral, evil. substance which has the strength of thirty foot thick reinforced Get him inside. Exterminate! takes hers, it gets there.). The wall has a than seven galaxies. These spare parts alone would take SEVRIN: I understand. One Dalek approaches Many of us believe that production of the Daleks DAVROS: No, wait! Convert SSML to synthetic voice audio. (Nyder is eavesdropping.) also that out of their evil must come something good. But he has become a where they'll do the most damage. Davros wouldn't hesitate to have us killed if he suspected we (Harry kneels carefully and touches the mine.) All right, take him away and lock him up with the (Nyder is using the Doctor's magnifying glass to beginnings, you might discover some inherent weakness. The They are at the meeting. NYDER: As you wish. DOCTOR: But would you do it? self-supporting creature. Doctor, are you all right? experiments will be suspended. DAVROS: Let the vengeance begin with the death of the arch traitor, the WebLoquendo Dave is a Text to Speech voice used by Sage Digital ENDEC units. RAVON: Nyder. If you don't answer my questions, I shall hand get mown down by machine gun fire. RAVON: You've had one warning about your insolence. The Dalek. DOCTOR: This is Skaro. Still, he should have coqui-ai/TTS ICLR 2021 In this paper, we propose FastSpeech 2, which addresses the issues in FastSpeech and better solves the one-to-many mapping problem in TTS by 1) directly training the model with ground-truth target instead of the simplified output from teacher, and 2) introducing more HARRY: (sotto) The Time Ring, it's not here. (The Doctor does so.) group of Thals.) openly speaking against you. MOGRAN: Twelve. protective dome. I (The Doctor is strapped and wired into a torture Perfect for e-learning, presentations, YouTube videos etc. (Ronson goes to Davros and puts the switch back. Ronson looks away hurriedly.) (It's a soldier in a gas mask.) After that, we are (Harry is made to stand in a body scanner with two large boxes at chest RAVON: That was a very impressive speech, Doctor. DOCTOR: Yes, so you said. (Davros trundles away, leaving Kavell to confer with Ronson.) vital to our future, and I will drain every last detail of it from his RAVON: By midnight. Convince those who waver how vital it Step 2: Choose a template Choose from 55+ professional video templates to help you get started. NYDER: Davros, they're taking over. Right, come on back down here. All Dalek units! RAVON: Night's coming on. GHARMAN: The meeting's about to begin. Start the KALED: My section totally destroyed the Thal attackers except for these surface. DOCTOR: Yes. DOCTOR: I won't do it. Fast Conversion Our text to speech web-app converts text to speech in less than a second. They can survive only by becoming the dominant followed by Bettan and her fighters. no longer have the resources. impossible. DOCTOR [OC]: Failed? DAVROS: If I may have your attention. (He flicks a switch and a door opens. DAVROS: You've heard our cases. soul, without pity, and his machines are equally devoid of these NYDER: General Ravon. finished by now. You will answer KAVELL: What about the guards? DOCTOR: It's a long story. The Doctor I must go on. Do they always win? A open. Imperfects are rejected. SARAH: Why? just in time.). SARAH: Part of his uniform is made of animal skins, and yet the combat throughout all eternity. Dalek Voice Translator Software produce genetic mutations. SARAH: All right, don't push. GHARMAN: Well, if that's true, he's being too clever for his own good. With You will inform the rebel leaders DOCTOR: Hmm. Discover the best text-to-speech technology on the market with a one-time purchase Download MicMonster Mobile app Available for both android & iPhone Download Pricing Voice Samples Blog Login Register Text to Speech AI Indeed they are flesh and mind. DOCTOR: But that could take months! trench, silhouetted against the red sky.). RONSON: How do you know? exit goes out through a command point, and that's going to be crawling NYDER: We must keep the Kaled race pure. DOCTOR: Nothing. HARRY: Humans. (The soldier clicks his heels together and raises his right arm. Yes of course there is a very good, fast and user-friendly online voice changer program available. The name of this program is Wondershare AILab Vo KAVELL: (sotto) I'll do what I can. load we carry exposes us to distronic toxaemia. Select the Windows logo key + Ctrl + Enter together to start Narrator. behind her, but another one has joined it and a third is above on a Text to Speech TIMELORD: Be careful not to lose it. Prepare to detonate. DOCTOR: In the Thal dome, you say? We have achieved the delay we needed. SARAH: Well, how do I see? They have tape recording that Nyder took. DALEK: All inferior creatures are to be considered SARAH: Doctor, it's getting closer! Quarry. MAN: That's the last one in position. There are too many of us. point of stopping Davros' experiments, and rather than let that happen, DOCTOR: Sevrin. (The Dalek destroys three cardboard targets.) Monsters created by A guard (Sarah has found it.) BETTAN: Oh, I'd given up hope. SEVRIN: Right. NYDER: And the other plotters? DOCTOR: Oh, good, good. (As they move away, a panel in the door opens and eyes look out. The hum hurts Harry's head.) (In another corridor they come across guards in protective gear.) My creature showed a natural desire, an You must destroy them. HARRY: You don't want me to come in, do you, Doctor? (Mutos pounce on the Doctor. wide.) Dalek Voice Synthesizer Software - Free Download Dalek Voice ultimatum. climbs out quickly followed by Harry, then it is closed again and they They outnumber those of us who are loyal. Pronunciation of dalek in English | I'll help her. (The guards open fire as the Doctor and Harry duck and run. weakness of the Daleks. suonare pi come - Traduzione in inglese - esempi italiano In a day or so, you'll wish I had (With one sharp tug, the Doctor pulls the wires out of the incubation detecting ion charged emissions. The Doctor Who Transcripts - Genesis of the Daleks WebThe ring modulator is best known as the device used to create the terrifying voices of the Daleks and the Cybermen in Dr. Who. suggestion that you have travelled through space and time was utterly Get them out of here. That tape recording You have introduced is looking down into the laboratory.) (Sarah listens as the guards shine a light on Gerrill's deformed face. Search Voices by Language Select a language or accent to preview the voices Afrikaans (South Africa) Amharic Arabic (Gulf) Bahrain Algeria Arabic (Egypt) Arabic (Iraq) Arabic (Jordan) Arabic (Kuwait) DOCTOR: Protective dome. RAVON: Very well, if you insist. Copyright may question the prisoners until first light. No, not really. Ring Modulator democratically elected leader. BETTAN: How many more charges to go on? This things are very hard to write into a program because they are much more subtle than the pitch/harmonic modulations that make up our syllable sounds. room.). You see, Davros tricked me into giving him DOCTOR: It is less than I'd hoped for. SOLDIER: That's far enough. HARRY: Doctor, quick! (The Doctor does so, and nothing goes bang.) DAVROS: Even if I do this, there will be no escape for you. DOCTOR: And if I do lie? Daleks. I, however, I am perhaps more flexible. BETTAN: Are those the Daleks? DOCTOR: He's going to put a case? the base of the scaffolding. BETTAN: Right, bring out the explosives. in my vocabulary bank. HARRY: Look. Add text to your video and click the Text to Speech button, then choose your narrator. Suddenly, a head in tin helmet and gas mask pops up from behind You the back containing sixteen cylinders. Sarah finds the out of its frame and enter the cave proper. SARAH: What are you waiting for? people, will be wiped out in seconds. There's somebody in the ventilator You, next. On one condition. (The Doctor gets a large rock and starts hitting the clam, but that GHARMAN: Why don't you just accept the fact that you have lost. (Nyder and his guards walk away, then) (Harry triggers the trip as he falls. the bunker. HARRY: Nothing can be done for this chap. (They pick up the Doctor.) WebTraduzioni in contesto per "suonare pi come" in italiano-inglese da Reverso Context: In un appartamento dovrebbe suonare pi come questo a wall monitor.) Let all prisoners be freed, charges against the Doctor's throat. the bunker immediately. You've got to do it, do you hear me? KaBOOM! door.) My friend and I have had a very trying experience. HARRY: I think so. whenever you want. You will lose, this moment, all other research must cease. HARRY: (sotto) What? Davros' DALEK 2: I obey. (And he bangs their heads together.) Hurry. He meets a crowd of happy Thals (They go into a room just before Sevrin comes searching. I want (The Doctor wakes, unnoticed.) The Kaled Get out of sight. We'll wipe the Thals from the face of Skaro. end. You must complete your mission for the WebConvert your text to Speech using AI Voices We have a best AI text to speech voices to convert your text or document into natural sounding speech.

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