), Do the convention until you get the event Suspicions, pick the option Thats nonsense., The fascists will win the convention and an eventchain surrounding Povner will start, In the event The Showdown pick the option Or id rather not. Princess Luna will take up the cause, eventually leading to a referendum on welcoming Thestrals into Equestria. Equestria is blessed with the leadership of Princesses Celestia and Luna, guardians of the heavenly bodies. Did I complete the focus too soon? The new alliance proved fruitful, and great pony heroes arose, protecting the fledgling nation. The main way to increase relations is by having Leopold carouse with other members, though they may be affected through other means as well. There are Earth Ponies, with a strength and affinity for growth and life, Pegasi, with the ability to fly and manipulate weather, and Unicorns, spellcasters with horns capable of impressive feats of magic. Ledd Metal was an established blacksmith within the traditional medieval guild system of Equestria when the Equestrian Industrial Revolution came full swing in the 980s, he became caught up in the winds of change as many guilds and craftsponies gave way to unskilled labor and unions. Unfortunately, their wedding was used by the Changeling Queen, Chrysalis, to overthrow the Royal Family and take over Equestria. While much longer than the alternative, this branch allows you to remove almost all the negative effects of the national spirits you gain, turning them into purely positive ones. Uncategorized ; June 21, 2022 equestria at war barrad guide . Despite the Diarchial power structure, Equestria has always been ruled by Celestia, leaving Luna to assume a supporting role. After a major war, ponies, shocked over the radical destruction and transformation of their peaceful life, will question the wisdom of the Princess's rule, and advocate democratic reform. Welcome to the fan-run wiki for Equestria at War, a mod for the Paradox grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV. The majority of Leopold's tree is about rapidly industrializing Barrad into a powerhouse for its size, especially if you chose Clockwork Factories in the previous tree before powering the reactor. She was never happy in Equestria. Your generation has failed lets hope the next generation does not. The central line has power consolidated behind Ambrosius once more, the right path gives you various cultist divisions and the left path gives you the aid of the griffon villages in exchange for either a promise of autonomy or a promise to restore Gryphus when the time is right. Be attacked will the civil war is ongoing and the FNV/PVDA will seek a servant to rule. She has a fierce, dominant temper and ensures cadet ponies under her command master the art of flying. It removes The Pentarchy national spirit and has a large bonus to recruitable population, later giving factories and reduced consumer goods. Finally, his knowledge as a general gives his pragmatic administration great insight into the military and the defensive needs of the nation, essential in the torn and chaotic modern world. Over the years, Count Ambrosius invited other like-minded creatures to join his court, free to pursue knowledge without ethical strings attached. Thanks to Level 2 Light Cruiser and Destroyer technology, Equestria can pick up a fight with the dangerous Changeling submarines, who will surely try to wreak havoc on the convoy trade routes. This path contains a Tenochtitlan State University, granting an extra research slot. The Princes' attend the high class military academy in Canterlot, where they are trained to command armies in battle. Steam Workshop::Equestria at War - Steam Community It gives massive buffs to recruitable population and only increases as you go down the line, but requires harsher conscription laws as you progress and will continue to decrease your factory output and research speed. Stagnant. As for the Gryphian host, I accidentally deleted it from my original draft and forgot to add it back. He crowned the Alicorn Sisters Celestia and Luna as Princesses of Equestria, tasking them with ruling and protecting the land from harm. With these qualities, he is a natural choice for a leader that the traditional elite are content with, though some ponies may not agree with his strongly orthodox methods and policy. With the power of their love, Shining Armour and Cadence managed to thwart the invasion and repelled the Changeling forces out of the country. Cookie Notice What are all the paths for the Barrad Magocracy? : r - reddit The recent campaign to welcome the Fourth Tribe into Equestria has changed this, and Princess Luna has now assumed a complementary role alongside her sister, working to realise the dreams of her subjects. There's no extra credit in Whiplash's world. Instead of being shown all at once or loading in entirely new trees, instead it just continues downward whenever a "segment" of the tree is finished. Despite being a pony of few words, his image as a hoof-buster is mostly a legend. Separated by distance and already overextended, Equestria declined to provide substantial assistance. Together, these creatures form the Pentarchy, the masters of Barrad. Mournful but resolute, Celestia ruled Equestria under the mantle of Harmony and its guiding philosophy of cooperation, friendship, and trust, supported by careful management of ecological and climate balance. All actions take up stamina points, which can be recharged by skipping your turn. Note that the choice of leaders differs slightly depending on the selection of a Republic or Constitutional Monarchy. After the civil war, once you complete "Glory to the south-east" As Lavender Berry. She has lived in Ponyville her entire life and is the grandmother of Applejack, the Element of Honesty. The central branches start the industrial focuses. His tactics as a general were strict, disciplined, and conservative, not to mention highly effective, and he carries those methodologies into his administration. Yeah, I too wanted to experience the whole mod so I went digging and after I kept seeing posts about how to get a secret path. Viira wins!-Machine comes into power. If the 'mod' folder doesn't exist, create it. Meanwhile, Luna grows more comfortable in her role as ruler, and has created an ambitious proposal to heal the ancient rift between Thestral and Pony. Or will this be the end of Harmony for the ponies? Any country with the same original tag as. When Ambrosius is finally ready to heal the entity behind the mysteries of Barrad, sanity will finally return to the troubled land. Shared between them is another research slot and an increase to your scientific base. The reforms will occur over the next year, and involve three sets of choices. Puppet crystal empire as the Solar empire, Take a decision or event that appears to tagswitch (There are two paths, a benevolent path or the authoritarian path. Post author: Post published: 22/06/2022 Post category: craftsman style outdoor planters Post comments: canadian jewelry designers toronto canadian jewelry designers toronto equestria at war barrad guide. Silver Ascension-Horse wins immortality, loses all the good looks he had. Fluttershy is the Element of Kindness and a caretaker of animals. What is the second southern war for Baltimare? The eldest used her alicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn; the younger brought out the moon to begin the night. There is a catch, though. This general will go out of his way to talk to the media and will always try to be in the limelight. The nobleponies however will eventually be reformed into a better template, but either way the Barradian army will need a major overhaul to fight its future enemies. Released in July 2017, Equestria at . ), The duke will declare martial law (You will get a new focus tree where you disband parliament, restore order and honour the legacy of Grover. Barrad: a place of dark magic and mysterious curses, where even its name can strike fear into the hearts of creatures. Having it above 70 can provide a positive national spirit as well as new available options, but having it drop below 30 can give a mixed national spirit and result in unforeseen consequences. The other candidates (Fancy Pants, Filthy Rich, and Maxos Eternal) can be chosen regardless of what Equestria becomes. Naturally, the player will want to reach it as soon as possible. Should war come, as unlikely as it is, the loyalty of the thestrals cannot be guaranteed. bolton council houses for sale info@startradio.online; F-237, Phase 8-B, Mohali If Luna successfully resisted Nightmare Moon, the maluses will be removed and Luna will assume her place as a true co-equal ruler alongside Celestia. After overcoming a jealous sorceress by opening her heart to her, Cadence was elevated into Alicornhood and joined Luna and Celestia in the Equestrian Royal Family as the Princess of Love. The economic, army and air force trees will also be unlocked. twists, such as the notion of industrialization, far-reaching corruption Check the Pentarchy Window (CTRL+P) for detailed backstory and information on each member. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Any tips on how to blitz equestria as the changelings so that I can get to the ELF without having changelings at the end of the tech tree waiting to nuke me? How do I unlock Twilight as a leader? It has also ensured peace in the land for over a thousand years. Equestria at War is a Hearts of Iron IV mod that seeks to recreate the fantastical world of Equestria from the My Little Pony franchise, dimmed with a bleaker setting rife with both nuances and its own plentiful twists, such as the notion of industrialization, far-reaching corruption and an ample amount of political intrigue. There are Crude Clockworks, the weakest and cheapest type, Military Clockworks, which are more expensive and powerful, and Commanding Clockworks which increase the division's organization. Whiplash is one of the toughest instructors at the Wonderbolts Academy. The main mechanics, however, are in the decisions tab. The Luna led reforms lead to a long character arc about Luna, and are more dangerous - they can remove the spirit at almost no cost, but can also lead to civil war if the player is not careful. ), Do the 'Finis Omnarium Vitarum' focus and wait a long time, Once the event 'Will to Carry On' triggers the eventchain starts (You'll eventually find out that the windigos are behind most of your tyrannical actions. The County of Barrad will become more in-line with a typical nation, gaining illiteracy and poverty. And Viira, a magical deer with incredible abilities for her race, who wants to dominate the material realm through her magic so she can bring this knowledge and rule back to the rest of deerkind. After a brief fight between the two, Twilight intervened and saved Tempest's life, and she in turn joined with her and ultimately defeated the Storm King, turning him to stone with his own magical artifact. Sense of duty, greed, boredom, in the end all they accomplish is ruining a few parties. The player should monitor the changelings, plan accordingly, and avoid accidentally starting a 70-day focus just before the changelings begin to justify. A member of the Pie family, Limestone is Pinkie Pie's older sister. The Urgent War Committee Focus leads to the removal of Equestria's peacetime maluses and unlocking its full power as a superpower. Some unnecessary focuses may also focus on a certain character in the Pentarchy. Equestria has been inhabited by ponies for thousands of years. To successfully remove the spirit, Equestria must earn 4 reform points, using expensive reforms. Asinti Ascension. Travel Loans: We pay for the travel ticket ahead of time Go to C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron IV\mod. We t. Career Officer Once you build another nuclear reactor, you can also take Singularity for another major boost to research speed. Either way, Barrad will have cosmetic puppets for the nations that you can not core. OKAY WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS *Barrad Spoilers!* - reddit The agency was originally dissolved when a bugbear managed to escape from Tartarus, but has now been re-established in these uncertain times. In 979 ALB New Mareland, which had heavily invested in the growing markets of the Griffonian Empire, suffered economic disaster as the Griffonian Empire collapsed into warring states and revolutionary uprisings. The wisest and most powerful among them, Starswirl the Bearded, recognized the potential of two young Alicorns, who were rare and legendary ponies possessing the traits of all 3 races. Is it after the civil war or when does it start? Equestria has a variety of political and industrial focuses available to it. Pentarchy Dead!-Whoops, all corpses! Magitech, steam power, and electricity transformed pastoral villages into bustling cities and the printing press made literacy possible for the masses. If you want to trigger the event manually, then use the following ids: eaw_superevents.1 - 199. Only in this tree, the effects you receive are much stronger. The growing Equestrian Capitalist Class charged extortionate rates for food and refused to drop prices. Taking the focuses relating to the fate of the Pentarchy will grant a research slot and largely depend on the past relationship Leopold had with the other members. ), Complete your new focus tree (In the end you shoot Grover VI and you get a new focus tree. If he considered Asinti and/or Silver Star enemies, they will be killed, but if they were considered friends than Leopold will allow them to become generals once more or act as advisors, which will be represented by national spirits. Should the entire Pentarchy fall, one way or another, a new tree will load in for Barrad. These have various bonuses, as shown below. With change came strife. The right path is unlocked if Silver Star gave full autonomy to his undead in the previous tree. We're the world famous Flim Flam Brothers However, you must also prevent the fight between the Pentarchy and Viira when the reactor starts. Should Silver Star gain access to the power of the reactor, his focus tree will take the place of the Pentarchy one. Her own talent is almost unsurpassed, and she has many ideas about improving our doctrine of aerial warfare. Behind the scenes, her alter ego Nightmare Moon will attempt to prepare for, and provoke, a civil war. Instead, Viira becomes a national spirit in a supporting role, and decisions unlock to use her new powers to aid your divisions in war. Squarefic | Home Rarity is the Element of Generosity. Yet I never get a decision or focus to decide her fate and when I tag switch back to Equestria and reconquer the Empire, no dice. Rainbow Dash is the Element of Loyalty and a full member of the Wonderbolts, a team of flight experts. They happily work together to maintain their stranglehold on the region, but each pursues their own agenda, and won't be afraid to betray the others when the time comes. The scenario focuses on global confrontation between Changelings and Equestria. You need to create a stalemate. If Chieftain Strongheart is selected, she will likely join Equestrian on her own accord, bypassing the first two focuses. Finally, Gryphus can declare if the Knights took over and started the Southern Crusade. The Dual Monarchy was restored even as Equestria faced new challenges, including increasing tensions with the Buffalo Tribes and the escape of chaotic demigod Discord. The heart of the tree is the Wartime Reforms, which lock off a variety of focuses that make Equestria incredibly powerful and dangerous. Equestria at War - reddit ), Choose your path: Constitutional or Dual Monarchy (If you go with the dual monarchy you get a new focus tree where Grover marries into your line. The peace-loving nation of ponies now finds itself in a new world with foes not only at their borders but among their numbers as well. Note, however that killing Silver Star will decrease your resources, similarly to destroying Asinti's temple. ModDB page. If a civil war begins, the maluses will be removed and the player will be able to choose to play as Equestria, its vassals (if they have not pursued independence), or the Lunar Empire. There are also Thestrals (also referred to as Batponies), who are night-dwelling cousins to the Pegasi, and are occasionally considered the fourth equine race. The player may crackdown on these demonstrations if Celestia is at a high enough toll of war, ending the chain quickly but without further bonuses. While not the most brilliant officer, he is unlikely to cause trouble. Any Riverlander state you are able to take can be made into your core, removing all its factories and state ponypower but transferring all that ponypower into your recruitable population. Fast Clip is a member of the Wonderbolts and acts as a drill instructor, training cadets for the Wonderbolts Academy. -Horse wins immortality, loses all the good looks he had. Despite all this, she remains humble and prefers to spend time with her friends and family, or reading books in her vast library of the Ponyville Castle. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The middle path both has army bonuses and industrial bonuses. Each character also has a relations stat with the members of the Pentarchy, not counting Ambrosius. All may seem well, but the Changelings to the north remain united, now eyeing Equestria with a new desire: revenge. After this decision is made, Luna will receive 4 events from the perspective of 4 different groups in Equestria relating to the reforms - cultists recruited in dreams, progressive activists, batpony clans and the Equestrian Royal Guard. The community subreddit of Equestria at War, a My Little Pony inspired mod for the video game Hearts of Iron 4. Now she is interested in heading a research department for developing healing megaspells, though some scientists in the group are curious about the more aggressive implementation of such magic. Agent Sweetie Drops, whose undercover alias is Bon Bon, who recently rejoined the monster-hunting agency of S.M.I.L.E. ), Complete the eventchain and then choose between Avatar or Spirit rule (There are two focus trees one for each path The spirits can be merciful or not, and be traditional or modernize. HOI4: Equestria at War - Barrad Magocracy #4 - It's Always The Quiet Ones Conquering History Games 25.9K subscribers Join Subscribe 1.3K views 2 years ago Link to the full Barrad Magocracy. ), Have Suntriker remain in control (via gamerules is possible), Do the 'The Wedding' focus (You marry Sunstriker), Go with Silvertalon in the event Conrad and Konrada, Do the focus the First Engelberg Government, Wait for the event Bullets Fly (Engelberg will be assasinated), Wait for the event Raindrops to receive an expanded focus tree, (You will create military constitutional republic after your failed republican attempt), Go with Wavewing in the event Conrad and Konrada, Just do focuses until you get the event The Halls of Rosewood, The final event is The Declaration. While she lives in rural Ponyville, she admires the urban elite of Canterlot and emulates them whenever possible, but never forgets her roots. and an ample amount of political intrigue. You can keep track of how close you are to breaking that limit in the decisions tab. Never again. She lives as a hermit, keeping to her zebra traditions. The hitchiker's guide to EAW secrets (A complete guide) The general guide for all secrets in EAW (for 1.9) Since the wiki with the spoilers got nuked, I have decided to make a list of every spoiler, how to get them and what they contain. Ruthless in his business tactics though perhaps not the sharpest at governmental administration as demonstrated by his first and only term as Mayor of Ponyville, his skills at the trade floor translate well to the negotiations table in economic matters. Skilled but stubborn. Politically Connected For Cyanolisia: I added it with the Asterion secret as you can also do it as Asterion. The second is reforming the Kingdom of Wittenland, granting coring opportunities on it, Austurland and Ponaidhean. It's well known that she happily gives out her expensive dresses for free, and is indeed happy to work for the greater good of Equestria if necessary. A complete list of music and images used in the mod is in the credits.txt file. Little is known about Zecora. Like the USA in vanilla HOI4, this strength is offset by its peaceful nature - its national spirits slow research and military expansion, and it is locked from increasing conscription or progressing beyond Early Mobilization. She is the sole inhabitant of the monster-filled Everfree Forest and is a skilled brewer of potions who speaks solely in rhymes. After almost single-hoofedly turning around a naval battle in the middle of the night against a much larger enemy force Evening Squall was first given the nickname "Nightmare of Solomon" by enemy forces but it was soon adopted by Equestrian naval personnel. This can be one of Barrad's main strengths, as they are incredibly powerful and can allow the country to catch up fast and punch far above its weight. -Zebra gets possessed by demons. With the recent return of Princess Luna to assist her in rulership, Princess Celestia continues to perpetuate the long, relative peace for all the ponies of Equestria. Friendship wins!-If the entirety of the Pentarchy become friends with each other, they peace out and you get the standard placeholder focus path. Can only be activated if the game rule is turned on. Count Ambrosius will retreat to his study, and when he returns he will be fully consumed by the voices in his head. 2. Prince Blueblood is a distant nephew of Princess Celestia and thus belongs to the royal family. Responsible for raising the Sun, and until recently the Moon, she is perhaps the most beloved creature in the world, being a staunch proponent for peace, kindness and cooperation. Adept in the arts of crossing rivers and constructing field fortifications. Graced by their millenia-old wisdom, the ponies feel safe and protected. Equestria is the land of the Three Tribes - Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns. Once it had ended, with the support of his many brothers and sisters in arms, he took up a platform focused on the defense of future peace and harmony in this new, changed Equestria. The nation has faced many recent threats and prevailed with the Power of Friendship and Harmony. Shocked by the crackdown and ensuing violence, Princess Celestia withdrew Equestrian Forces from the region, and fired the Captain of the Guard. Count Ambrosius keeps that position, albeit with a new trait. Now that war is on our doorstep, perhaps we can give him a more serious duty to fulfill. However it is rumoured she has some confidence issues which she hides from others. He entered the new democratic political scene through his financial influence and power, under the simple but to some, sort of unsettling catchphrase "Make Equestria Great Again", though not exactly specifying how in the face of opponents with more clear motives, goals, and methods. Equestria at War is a Hearts of Iron IV mod that seeks to recreate the Now she has returned to Equestria and embraced her former name, travelling the land and aiding fellow ponies. These technologies can provide very substantial bonuses to Barrad, but require the corresponding member to be alive. Friendship is the foundation of Equestria and makes cooperation between unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies possible. For Viira to take her place as the Herald of Barrad, she must first defeat the surviving members of the Pentarchy before claiming the reactor. Lead by the Pentarchy, a group of five creatures free to pursue their aims with no oversight or qualms, the ponies that live in Barrad are treated as nothing more then experiments. An ancient land whose exact origins are shrouded in myth and legend, Equestria is the nation of ponykind, of the three equine races which unified to face a hostile world. As before, Agent Drops is ready to do her duty in the name of Equestria. Wittenland will move to reclaim Barrad in all paths, and the AI frequently manually justifies since they have claims on your land. ), Make sure your army has extreme influence and low loyalty, Eventually the army will do a coup (You will get a small focus tree where you close the nation and the last focus gives you the generic focus tree again. The military section is woven into the branch, allowing you to choose between a mass assault doctrine and improving your special forces. Dedicated to the life as an officer, with ambitions to match. The Equestrian Army begins with 99.50k deployed ponies, including 1 half-strength Light Tank division, 1 40% strength Light Tank division, 1 30% strength Pegasus division, 2 capable (but only at 20% strength) Onhooves divisions, and 16 poorly trained and equipped Royal Guard and Garrison divisions who pose little to no value when it comes to frontline combat. Anything less will cause the spirit to only be partially removed.

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