You looked up and turned off your phone with a small smirk. characters. yeah sorry, but his jokes were never funny and not even seeing him fight with osamu made you laugh, after losing a bet, he was sent by the team to buy snacks at the store for everybody, and of course he begged you to go with him, but you quickly regretted your choice when he kept trying to make you laugh by making awful puns with brand names, i cant stand this any longer, ill wait for you outside, he actually felt sorry for you, saying to himself that some people cant understand high quality humor, after a few minutes he came out with his legs shaking, trying to balance all the groceries in his arms, he walked towards you, while chip bags and energy bars continued to slip from his hands, enjoying the show, you started to film him trying to pick up one thing from the floor while another fell down on the other side, when you put down your phone, he finally saw it, you werent simply smiling, but actually laughing so hard, he didnt even care when you said you were sending the video to suna, just kept staring at you smile from ear to ear, and when you noticed it, you remembered your exs words, im sorry, i know my laugh is irritating, his eyes went wide open, fixed on your lips, what are you talking about, i dont ever wanna stop listening to it, searching for another concealer, youre getting upset, when you see in the mirror your boyfriend appearing by your side, he hugs you from behind, resting his chin on your head, you take a wipe and start removing the makeup from your face, as you roughly rub your face, he grabs your wrists, lowering your head, you let an exasperated sigh escape your lips, but when he tries to kiss your cheek, you wriggle out of his embrace, he turns you around, trapping you between his body and the sink, youre just saying this to make me feel better, im saying this because theyre part of you and i love you, dont you think that i look like a child? "Kyoutani "Okay I'll be done in a second." He gave you a small smile and looked to the side with a head shake as you capped the lid on a bottle. "So that's your bag huh?" hope you like it <33, hii! "Was this necessary?" You smiled as a young guy handed you your bag, he gave a nod but tugged it back to him. "I love you." Bokuto gave white eyes with a small slouch as Akaashi stared at him then glanced over at you, then back at Bokuto seeing fire behind his eyes. Woman, why are you still running when youve already given birth to my child?Xavia Lockhart: He was renowned as the king of the business empire and he was the Young Master Burton that everyone was in awe of. can i have their reactions to it ?, pairings: oikawa x reader, suna x reader, iwaizumi x reader, a/n: hiii omg thanks for the request bb, i love this idea aaahh its so cute!! "I is. "Dating." We've all thought about it , #academy i really hope you like it and have a lovely day as well <33, pairings: kageyama x reader, akaashi x reader, oikawa x reader. "Love you too. Kuroo pecked your cheek as you smiled before watching him walk back to the gym while you stood by the one of the Karasuno school vans, taking bags out of the back of it. It doesn't hurt, but it definitely startles you. he kisses your forehead and just drops on your bed with a deep sigh, hey beautiful, can we cuddle for a bit or are you busy?, quickly you put the book you were holding down on your nightstand, and sit up with your back against the headboard, patting the empty space between your legs, he lies down, using your soft thighs as a pillow, chuckling, you watch him closing his eyes with a smirk, you ask him, starting to massage his temples, he can only think about how gentle your touch is on his skin, and the weight on his shoulders starts to lighten up, nothing special, ive just missed you so much. Characters include Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, Akaashi, Oikawa, Tendou, Atsumu, Suna, Sakusa and Terushima. "Where's (Y/n)?" "Hot like those towels huh?" Fanfiction) [ RANDOM SHITS ABOUT HAIKYUU!!! "This here pretty girl." It would be a tense few moments, but you would stand up and thank Kenma for letting you stay with him so late into the night. "Sorry but she's taken." He pecked your lips and gave you another soft pop, you 'Tch'ed as he chuckled and waved you off once he got to the door, you gave a head shake and continued to speak.Team Nekoma Kuroo You smiled with a small chuckle as you sat in front of Kuroo in the room the girl's were staying in for the night. "- Or "twin "- He literally stares at you all day with you in it - He's so pumped up - Please cheer for him do a little dance he'll cry, Mad dog- he's such a jealous type - Makes you cover up with his jacket around your waist - "Why would you wear that people will stare"- In public he has his guard up - But at home he sits and stares at you like - - He likes when he sits down and he can hug around your waist with skirts on, Kuroo- Oh my god my dumbass did forget to to him it was 2 am and I was running on two hours of sleep one happen to be in class - But he's just staring - He loves the way you look in anything but skirts he especially likes - He loves the way it twirls when spin - Thinks your the cutest thing - "Oh my god your too cute do another spin please" - He laughs so loud when you get flustered by him telling you he thinks you look good in a skirts, Kenma- okay I feel like he prefers some game cosplay instead - He's so blushy and mumbling - "Can you s-say this line maybe? Hinata looked around then pointed to the gym and before he could speak Inouka smiled and went over there, he peeked through the doors to see you backing up and that's when he opened the door. Frustration rolled out from his aura before it changed into anger. #sugawara "Ahhh!" After a series of pushing and pulling, she eventually left him. (R/n), is this your friend?" Kenma You gave a small laugh after you finished a game up with Kenma, the two of you were at your house spending the day together and since he got a new game. You blushed as Kenma grabbed your hand and pulled you away, the guy gave a 'Tch' before jogging off. Sugawara gave a small nod towards Daichi before looking up into the stands with a straight face. "Are you going to hit me now?" You smiled and gave him a small chuckle then frowned slightly seeing Yachi walk away a long with the other guys walk in the opposite the direction. "I forgot the others!" Kyoutani gave you a nod after he stepped into your house, you were in the bathroom putting on foundation and some eye liner. You blushed and gave him flustered cheeks with parted lips after the sound of the pop after Inuoka gave you a playful smack on the butt, he then walked away and looked back at you with a calm smile and you gave one back. "What now?" Or dating him?" . Eirene Water's was left to die in the rogue lands.10 years later ,a choas rises in the werewolf world in the name of Viper.The man in the mask, who was the most wanted criminal.What happens when the werewolf King is hell bound to find this person and kill him?What happens when he almost gets hold of him , to only loose him and instead find.The very girl he banished 10 years ago in his lands, unconscious. "Call me some time!" You smiled as you glanced up to see Akiteru as he looked down at the guy. no longer active, but thank you for the support <3, . "Suga?" "Yeah." "Love you. You smiled watching him make faces before two guys sat behind you with a laugh. Sugawara came up to you then took your hand and pecked your lips, you smile as he pulled you up from the bleacher. One without pain, one without control and one without him. "You look like shit." "Good morning to you too, Tetsurou." Without another word, he invites himself in and sits on the couch with the expression too serious for your liking. "Y-yes, it was. "Good luck." "Yeah." "Thank gosh." "Yeah I." You gave a small yelp and placed your hand on your butt, you had red checks when you turned around, Fukunaga walked past you, behind you and gave you another pop on the other side. I have a little request if u dont mind. "I love you too." Sawamura, Kuroo and Oikawa + when You disappoint them Tanaka yawned then stretched, looking at you as you tied the next through the loops, you knew he was going to put his arm around you, but you then gasp after Tanaka smacked your butt, making a popping sound before you looked at him and he chuckled. The guy took a step back once he looked at Kyoutani glaring at him and you walking towards him, Kyoutani grabbed and held your hand as he watched the guy walk away then pecked your head as he looked back forward to his coach.Shiratorizawa Academy Tendou You smiled as you and one of your friends from Shiratorizawa sat in the bleachers, you came with her to watch Tendou and support her team even though you went to a different school. "(Y/n)! "You okay?" You smiled seeing Oikawa step in front of the guy and pull you by the waist, the guy gave wide eyes as you and Oikawa walk away. "Anything for you." ", Akaashi- he's the one that picked it out for you- "See the skirt will go cuter with this one"- He loves when you wear clothes he picks for you - If your skirt rides up he'll pull it down for you - Or put his jacket over your legs while your sitting down - But he try's his best not to be too protective and let you wear what you wanna wear, Ushijima - "yes you look nice but I don't see why your wearing it"- he hates when other people stare at you - "Eyes off" he told the team when they stared more than he likes - "Cross your legs if your going to wear it"- He won't tell you to change because he wants you to wear what you want - But the minute someone makes you uncomfortable he gets more mad, Tend- Best hype man - "LOOK AT YOU DO A TWIL" - He's so proud that you don't look ugly - He likes to show of off- "Yeah see that fine babe, mine"- Laughs when you don't cross your legs he thinks it's hot - Can't believe he's dating you - Asks you to wear it again, I'm trying to make them longer like someone suggested. You smiled then locked arms with his and kissed his cheek, he then turned his head and pecked your lips as you giggled. But I refused to look at him. She desperately hid from him, avoided him and stayed far away from him!Who would have known that he would bring the baby to her doorstep? "Um, no I'm actually waiting for some one." Stolen kisses, touches and a whole lot of tension. #akaashi He raised an eye brow seeing you look at your phone after you let go of Kenma's arm, making him turn his back to you, as the guy jogged in place. Noya!" The guy gave a wave as Daichi turned back around, pulling you closer. Just before you could walk past the guy you bumped into Yamaguchi. "Nishinoya You were in Chemistry class, your schedule got changed so you were in the same class with some of the volleyball boys, including Nishinoya. Check out my Akatsuki and Naruto scenarios as well. No one knew she was a mute. He was always surrounded by numerous women. "I love you. "Yamaguchi "You'll do fine." You smiled and giggled as you locked arms with her as she tensed. Lev waited for you and stared over every one that walk by then gave a small frown. "Hey!" Both you and him gave a small yelp and scream once the spider dangled from his web. Sorry." "E-exciting huh?" I am living for your thigh cuddles head canons!! Inouka glanced over to the side as Kenma did the same seeing Hinata run up to then out of breath, Inouka looked around but didn't see you anywhere. "Be back!" "You're pretty and I was." "I don't see anyone else here, unless you're with her." #hinata #shots | Anime/Manga Fanfiction Romance Boyfriend Scenarios Headcannons. Then slowly realization dawned and his expression changed to disbelief, pain and finally rage. Many years later a child who shares Masons face will be the one to land a slap on him.Useless father, watch who youre talking about!, Pregnant and Favored: See You in the Morning, Young Master, harry potter angel of darkness fanfiction.

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