Employees should not come to work, nor should their employer require them to come to work if they have had a positive test or are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. Increased testing frequency may be required in certain situations. More than 180 new laws are set to take effect on January 1, 2023, covering a range of issues big and small that affect Illinoisans. IDOL will require all state and local public employers in Illinois to comply with ETS sections (d)- (l). Under a new law effective March 11, 2022, employers who received exemption from the prior Tennessee law and have a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy must grant wide medical and religious exemptions to employees who refuse to receive the vaccine. Employees who exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 can be asked to leave the workplace and stay at home until it has been 10 days since their symptoms first appeared and 24 hours with no fever (without the use of fever-reducing medications) and other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving.3An employee with a medical condition that causes symptoms similar to COVID-19 may provide their employer with medical documentation that their symptoms are due to a different condition in order to continue reporting to work. Murders peaked in 2021 with 799 homicidesthe most since 1996and in 2022, remains 39% higher than in 2019. In response, public health restrictions and mitigations are implemented for restaurants and bars, meetings and social events, gaming and casinos and for all workplaces, effective November 4, 2020. Minimum Wage Increase (Public Act 101-0001) Illinois is one of the states set to raise their minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025. Also delineates the principal public health restrictions and mitigations for Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, and Phase 4. The new state law establishes eviction-sealing provisions for cases filed before and during the coronavirus pandemic and prohibits tenant screening companies from reporting sealed eviction records. However, the positivity rate has continued to significantly increase in these regions. Exemptions to all Tiers and Phases include free exercise of religion, emergency functions, and governmental functions. Requires face coverings for all Illinois residents over age 2 in indoor settings beginning Monday, August 30, 2021. HB 00135: Requires health insurance policies to cover health care or patient care around the dispensation of birth control. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS Reissues most executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through December 12, 2020. In response, additional public health restrictions and mitigations are instituted for Regions 5, 7, and 8, such as a tighter gathering cap of 10 individuals rather than 25 and new table caps of six rather than 10 at restaurants and bars. . Law enforcement officers can also seize tobacco products or electronic cigarettes that violate the bills prohibition on marketing to children. CANNABIS LICENSES - Suspends the requirement that by July 1, 2020, the Illinois Department of Agriculture must issue up to 40 Craft Grower Licenses, up to 40 Infuser Licenses, and issue Transporting Organization Licenses. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance is available for up to 39 weeks for individuals whose unemployment is attributable to COVID-19 and who are not eligible for other unemployment benefits. Includes Executive Order 2020-30, which prohibits residential evictions. Yes. There is currently no state or federal law that provides job protection to a healthy employee who refuses to work out of fear of contracting COVID-19. SUSPENDS VARIOUS PROVISIONS Suspends provisions in the Assisted Living and Shared Housing Act, the Nursing Home Care Act and the Community Care Act. This guidance is intended to help both employers and employees educate themselves about minimum required workplace safety requirements, as well as best practices to promote a safe and well-functioning workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to provide guidance on some frequently asked questions about COVID-19 and the workplace. 71.40 no longer necessary. Yes. Schools must follow IDPH guidance and all schools may continue to provide food and other non-educational services. Nearly 300 new laws will take effect in Illinois at the start of the new year. In order to prevent osteoporosis and other medical conditions, this law requires health insurance plans to cover medically necessary hormone therapy treatments for women who have undergone a hysterectomy and therefore induced menopause. The . Working from home may be a reasonable accommodation under some circumstances. Restaurants may serve other beverages upon request. To encourage Illinoisans to support the state economy, this law reduces vehicle registration fees for cars and small trucks if they are manufactured in Illinois. HB 02589: Expands the use and reimbursement of dispensing opioid antagonists to prevent overdose deaths and improves treatment services for substance use disorders. Here's a look at some of the most interesting laws set to go into effect. Shooting incidents are also 32% higher than they . The employer should discuss the request with the employee to determine whether the requested accommodation, or another accommodation, can be provided. Calls for the postponement or cancelation of elective surgeries. Given new evidence on the B.1.617.2 . On Tuesday, Gov. . In response, public health restrictions and mitigations are implemented for Region 7 (Will and Kankakee counties) and Region 8 (Kane and DuPage counties), for restaurants and bars, meetings and social events, gaming and casinos and for all workplaces, effective October 23, 2020. HB 03739: Creates the Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act to establish timelines and requirements for the removal and replacement of all lead service lines in Illinois. HOSPITAL CAPACITY IDPH shall exercise discretion enforcing certain regulations. This Executive Order supersedes Executive Order 43. Requires schools to exclude students and school personnel who are confirmed cases, probable cases, or close contacts. Local government units across the state must halt all evictions, and gatherings of more than 10 people are prohibited. This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. POLITICS SPRINGFIELD GENERAL ASSEMBLY CORONAVIRUS ILLINOIS COVID 19 VACCINE LAWS. If your concern is about a state or local government employer, you may file a complaint with Illinois OSHA at https://www2.illinois.gov/idol/Laws-Rules/safety/Pages/Hazards.aspx On Wednesday, October 27, 2021, in a vote of 64-52 the Illinois House passed an amendment to the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act (Act) that would allow employers to enforce work rules and policies relating to COVID-19 vaccinations and testing and prevent individuals from using the Act to challenge COVID-19 rules and policies. IDPH filed emergency rulemakings currently in effect related to the COVID-19 pandemic for the following Parts, all of which became effective February 14, 2022 for a maximum of 150 days: Hospital Licensing Requirements, 77 Ill. Adm. Code 250 Statutory Authority: Hospital Licensing Act [210 ILCS 85] Have new flu-like symptoms including fever, cough, or shortness of breath (excluding such symptoms caused by chronic conditions); . RESTAURANTS & BARS Beginning March 16 at 9 p.m., bars and restaurants must suspend on-premises consumption, but are permitted to continue delivery service, drive-through and curbside pick-up. PHASE FOUR REOPENING The community revitalization phase safely resumes and expands activities that were paused or limited as COVID-19 cases rose exponentially. HB 03922: Designates June 19 as a paid state holiday, Juneteenth. This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. As Welch's first year as House speaker comes to a close, new requirements for schools, state ethics rules, criminal justice and animal ownership are among the 296 laws taking effect Jan. 1, according to a list prepared by Senate Democrats. Suspends the provision that no license of a funeral director intern shall be renewed more than twice and suspends the requirement that the transportation of deceased human remains must be under the immediate direct supervision of a licensee. If an employee is receiving health insurance through their employer, the employer must continue that coverage during the leave period. HB 03955: Provides that automatic renewal offers or continuous service offers online should provide a toll-free number, email or a postal address if the seller directly bills the consumer, or to provide another cost-effective way to cancel the service. Earlier: 3 New Laws Take Effect In Illinois In 2021, Down From Over 250. Suspends the requirement that a fully executed marriage license must be submitted to the county clerk within 10 days. M.C.C.1-24. Additional frequently asked questions about COVID-19 and unemployment insurance are available on the IDES website. This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. 2022 Clay County Final Multiplier Announced. Federal Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) is a temporary program that provides up to 13 additional weeks of benefits to individuals who have exhausted all rights to regular unemployment insurance compensation with respect to a benefit year that ended on or after July 1, 2019. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS - Reissues several executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through August 21, 2021. The law does not apply to tobacco cessation products or cannabis paraphernalia. Schools no longer can crack down on nonwhite hairstyles, and they must do more to protect children from sexual misconduct. To ensure senior citizens are saving their money, this law reduces the vehicle registration fee for seniors from $24 to $10. The IHRA and federal law prohibit an employer from treating employees differently based on their age or an actual or perceived disability. EXPERT INSIGHT: An Assault Weapons Ban is not the Solution Illinois Needs This Executive Order is effective October 25 and supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. And candidates who are accused of deception or fraud during job interviews must be given a chance to appeal. Generally, an employer can layoff or terminate an employee for economic reasons. (COVID-19 EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. This law ensures people whose cars have been stolen will not be liable for violations, fees, fines or penalties when their vehicles are caught on red light or speed cameras. It will increase $1 per hour every year until it reaches $15 an hour. Yes. Employers are responsible for maintaining a safe and healthy workplace and there is nothing in Illinois or federal law that prohibits an employer from requiring a doctors note or COVID-19 test before an employee returns to work. Under the latter bill, feminine hygiene products will now be available for free at homeless shelters that provide housing assistance to women and youth. Amends Executive Order 2022-06 and establishes that all individuals, regardless of vaccination status, shall continue to be required to wear a face covering (1) where federally required; (2) in congregate facilities such as correctional facilities and homeless shelters; and (3) in healthcare settings. In response, public health restrictions and mitigations are implemented for restaurants and bars, meetings and social events, gaming and casinos and for all workplaces, effective October 31, 2020. HB 00033: Prohibits companies from denying life insurance coverage based on a person participating in substance use treatment or recovery support programs. However, masks are still required for everyone in healthcare settings, in congregate settings and on transit. Requires face coverings for all Illinois residents over age 2 in indoor settings beginning Monday, August 30, 2021. However, if possible, they must try to make reasonable accommodations for an employee who requests one. HB 2790 allows public defenders to provide legal representation for non-citizens facing deportation in immigration court, but only in Cook County. Nearly 300 new laws will take effect in Illinois at the start of the new year. The Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act requires that, after separation from employment, employees must be paid all final compensation, including bonus payments, vacation pay, wages and commissions on their next regularly scheduled payday. The amendment passed with more than 50% support from the overall vote in the midterm. SB 01846: Requires restaurants to serve water, milk, milk alternative or juice with childrens meals as the default beverage, rather than soda. HB 226: Allows students to choose whether to submit their ACT/SAT score when applying to Illinois . On March 14, 2022, the EEOC released new guidance regarding caregiver discrimination and the COVID-19 pandemic, in light of many workplaces returning to in-person work. Illinois reports 2,762 new COVID-19 cases, 4 new deaths. In order to qualify, an area must show that the area is at risk of losing its cultural identity due to COVID-19, displacement or gentrification, that it has had a history of economic disinvestment and that there is strong community support for the designation, which is aimed at promoting economic development, entrepreneurship and growth without also generating displacement or expanding inequality. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS Reissues Executive Orders 2020-03 through 2020-37, extending most provisions through June 27, 2020. The Stalking/No Contact Order law in Illinois has been amended to include a prohibition on contact made via email or social media. It's a new year and nearly 200 new laws go into effect here in Illinois. The law gives judges discretion to keep suspects they deem dangerous locked up without bail, and amendments signed by Gov. Employers should not assume that an older employee, or an employee with an underlying health condition, is in need of special protection or accommodation. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS - Reissues several executive orders, extending the provisions through February 5, 2022. Employees are an integral part of an effective workplace safety plan as they are often in the best position to identify hazards in a particular area or job. Days before the SAFE-T Act was set to take effect, a Kankakee County judge ruled that the portion of the SAFE-T Act that ends cash bail in Illinois is unconstitutional. JB Pritzker signed into law a proposal that gives teachers and other school workers paid administrative leave if they are forced to stay home with COVID-19 or if a family . The Lifting Up Illinois Working Families Act has raised the minimum wage several times, with the ultimate goal of lifting it to $15 an hour. Also suspends the requirement that the Department must approve or deny an application for a medical or adult use cannabis cultivation center agent identification card within a certain amount of days. REGIONS 7 AND 8 MITIGATIONS Both Regions 7 and 8 have reported three consecutive days of a test positivity rate of 8 percent or higher. The IDOC shall file emergency rules as needed. SB 1846 amends the Illinois Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act to establish a requirement that the default beverage for kids' meals at restaurants is unsweetened water, juice or milk. Federal employment laws, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), also protect employees from discrimination and harassment. If an employee believes they have been fired, demoted, or harassed because their employer believes that they are from a country where there is a high incidence of COVID-19 cases, they may file a charge with the IDHR. An employer is not required to provide an accommodation that would be prohibitively expensive or unduly disruptive to the business. For the third year in a row, low-wage workers are getting a raise as the calendar turns to 2022. Courts are not required grant such requests from state's attorneys. This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. The ISP will create a new Violent Crime Intelligence Task Force to conduct enforcement operations against those with revoked FOID cards. A list of LHDs can be found at http://www.dph.illinois.gov/LHD Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. K-12 SCHOOLS All public and private K-12 schools must close for educational purposes; however, this will not affect the availability of school buildings to supply food for students in need. Employers should close off areas used by the person who is sick and, if possible, open windows and doors to increase air circulation in the area. PHASE THREE REOPENING Safely and conscientiously resumes activities that were paused due to COVID-19. Such protected concerted activity generally includes employees talking to one another about working conditions or workplace safety, or engaging in actions, such as petitions or walkouts, to try to improve safety conditions. school personnel, higher education personnel, and higher education students must receive their first dose of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine series or a single dose vaccine by September 19, 2021, and if applicable, receive the second dose in a two-dose vaccine . Employers should clearly explain paid leave policies and make employees aware they may be eligible for benefits if they are sick or live in the same household as someone who is diagnosed with COVID-19. This Executive Order supersedes EO 2021-24 and EO 2021-25. The raise in minimum wage is part of legislation Illinois. TELEHEALTH All health insurers regulated by the Department of Insurance are required to cover telehealth services and reimburse providers at the same rate as in-person visits and are prohibited from imposing any cost-sharing for in-network providers. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS - Reissues most executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through May 1, 2021. IN-PERSON LEARNING All public and nonpublic schools in Illinois serving pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students may open for in-person learning after the regular 2019-2020 school term. In response, additional public health restrictions and mitigations will be implemented for the Metro East region for restaurants and bars, meetings and social events, gaming and casinos, and for all workplaces, effective September 2, 2020. RELIEF FOR UTILITY CUSTOMERS - Temporarily suspends two provisions of the Illinois Energy Assistance Act. Suspends certain requirements, including the need for an adult use cannabis dispensing organization agent to obtain an agent identification card from IDFPR prior to beginning work at a dispensary and the need for a medical or adult use cannabis dispensing organization agent to keep an agent identification card visible at all times when in the dispensary. Nearly 300 new Illinois laws take effect Jan. 1. Here's some of - WREX This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. Reissues and amends previous Executive Orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic through July 24, 2022. If an employee affected by pregnancy, childbirth, or a pregnancy-related medical condition requests a job modification or adjustment such as telecommuting or staggering schedules, the employer must provide the accommodation unless it would pose an undue hardship on the business. This year, the minimum wage will increase to $12 per hour. VACCINE REQUIREMENT EXTENSION Extends the vaccination requirements for individuals in high-risk settings, including all healthcare workers, nursing home employees, all P-12 teachers and staff, and higher education personnel and students. This law allows women who have a miscarriage, still birth, or other diagnosis or event that impacts pregnancy or fertility to take 10 days of unpaid leave. Employees who have a medical condition or disability that prevents them from safely wearing a face covering may seek a reasonable accommodation from these requirements. SUSPENDS REQUIREMENTS FOR SOCIAL WORKERS - Suspends certain requirements for restoration of an inactive or expired license of five years or less for professional counselors, social workers, and clinical psychologists. Under the Illinois school code, teachers receive a minimum of 10 sick days per year in line with national averages, according to the National Center for Teacher Quality . In the Health Care Worker Background Check Act, suspends the time period for designated students, applicants, and employees to have their fingerprints collected electronically. Employers should recognize that health care providers may be extremely busy and not able to provide the requested documentation in a timely manner. READ MORE: Jelani Day's family looking for answers after missing ISU student found dead. REGION 1 TIER 2 MITIGATIONS Mitigation measures were initially implemented in Region 1 on October 3, 2020. CANNABIS REGSITRY INDENTIFICATION RENEWALS Suspends provisions in the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act regarding renewal applications and renewal fees for registry identification cards. The amendments also clarified other controversial elements of the bill, including that police can still arrest someone for trespassing, and that judges can issue arrest warrants when someone misses court. HB 00226: Public universities will now be required to permit students to choose whether they submit ACT and SAT scores when applying for admission. An individual temporarily laid off in this situation can qualify for benefits if the individual is available for and actively seeking work. The new guidance supplements earlier guidance regarding the treatment of workers with caregiving responsibilities. The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) have also published guidelines and requirements for employers to follow in order to maintain a safe workplace during the pandemic. Generally, individuals currently receiving paid leave are not eligible for unemployment insurance. Suspends the requirement that a marriage license becomes effective one day after the date of issuance. According to both Democratic and Republican lawmakers, the laws include everything from excused mental. REGIONS 11 MITIGATIONS Region 11, the City of Chicago, has triggered both a sustained increase in COVID-19 related hospitalizations over the last 10 days and averaged greater than or equal to an 8 percent positivity rate for three consecutive days. This supersedes EO 2020-38. Local governments can still pass ordinances regulating setbacks, use of fertilizer or water, and invasive species controls as long as they do not have the effect of forbidding vegetable gardens. IDES will backdate claims to the first week of unemployment due to the COVID-19-related reason. Illinois reported 735 new COVID cases and 0 related deaths Monday as statewide seven-day test positivity dropped to 1.5%. Copyright 2023 WLS-TV. This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. SB 539 includes amendments to Illinois Governmental Ethics Act and the Lobbyist Registration Act touted as ethics reforms by members of the Democratic Party's legislative supermajority . New Tennessee law further limits federal vaccine mandates Health care facilities, professionals, and volunteers are immune from civil liability for any injury or death alleged, unless caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct. SB 00147: Entitles Medicare supplement policyholders to an annual open enrollment period lasting at least 45 days starting on their birthday to buy a Medicare supplement policy irrespective of health status, claims experience or medical conditions. HB 2553 establishes the Protecting Household Privacy Act, which forbids law enforcement agencies from obtaining data collected, stored or shared by household electronic devices without a warrant, a court order, the permission of the owner or in an emergency situation. SB 817, also known as the Jett Hawkins Law, forbids public or private schools from applying school uniform or dress codes to hairstyles and requires the state board of education to provide hairstyle resource materials to schools. The bill also adds Muhammad Ali's birthday, Jan. 17, as the law's eighth commemorative holiday. Press Release - Thursday, March 02, 2023. All state, county, and local law enforcement officers are instructed to cease enforcement of orders of eviction for residential premises. HB 0020: Repeals the registration fee for Gold Star license plates for surviving spouses or parents of vets who died in war or peace time. Phase 5 Business and Venues Guidance - Illinois NEW STAY AT HOME ORDER This new order allows Illinoisans to leave their home for essential activities, including for health and safety, for necessary supplies and services, for outdoor activity, for certain types of work, to take care of others, and to engage in the free exercise of religion, but otherwise requires them to stay at home or their place of residence to prevent spread of COVID-19. However, employers are required to ensure the confidentiality of any medical information provided by an employee. Illinois' COVID-19 Response. At a minimum, employers should follow CDC guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting facilities with cases of COVID-19. Statewide, the minimum wage increases by $1 to $12 per hour as part of a measure approved in 2019,. Gov. Pritzker Announces Change to COVID-19 Requirements in Illinois 42 U.S.C. During the COVID-19 pandemic, IDHR strongly encourages filings via email as filing by mail or fax may delay processing. Employers may not ask about an employees family members health information, but may ask employees whether they have had contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with, or is experiencing symptoms of, COVID-19. The Illinois Whistleblower Protection Act, 740 ILCS 174, prohibits retaliation against an employee for disclosing information they believe violates a state or federal law, rule, or regulation. Guidance regarding the ADA and the COVID-19 pandemic issued by the EEOC is available here. If an employee reports having any COVID-19 related symptoms, the employer should encourage the employee to contact their health care provider. New Illinois laws in 2023 include the SAFE-T Act, Worker's Rights Amendment, improvements to health care and food access, and more. In addition, requires universal masking in private long-term care facilities. In response, public health restrictions and mitigations are implemented for restaurants and bars, meetings and social events, gaming and casinos and for all workplaces, effective November 1, 2020. For example, suspends IDPH conducting an on-site review at each facility annually. REGIONS 9 MITIGATIONS Region 9, Lake and McHenry counties, has reported three consecutive days of a test positivity rate of 8 percent or higher. HB 03097: Provides that police procedures and appropriate interactions with law enforcement during traffic stops be added to Illinois adult driver education course curriculum and the State Board of Educations curriculum. CHICAGO (WLS) -- With the start of the New Year, there is always a new set of laws going into effect. Published September 15, 2022 Updated on September 15, 2022 at 4:17 pm NBC Universal, Inc. Illinois Gov. SB 02122: Provides that statements provided by minors are inadmissible as evidence if obtained using deceptive practices. Alert Message: Anyone, 6 months of age and older, is eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

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