Johns relationship with Terezi, which really only existed in the last 50 pages of the comic, was apparently always the better option? Why S.U.V.s Are Still a Huge Environmental Problem Why Maybe the Twilight fan found a way to elevate the themes and feel of YA urban fantasy to an older audience. Please explain. Given the comics exponential trajectory it set for itself early on, it had to get this meta at some point., Pumpkin Party in Sea Hitlers Water Apocalypse, pages that change their formatting to fit different, this first conversation between John and Terezi. what better profession is there in this world? When I said "Hussie created them that way for a reason", this doesn't mean "Hussie agrees with literally every awful thing in Homestuck" despite what some people seem to think that's what I'm saying. hey 2tupiid! I expected good arguments and I see the same one used 3 times in a row. The comics before Homestuck, particularly Problem Sleuth, were largely based on community inputs, and I believe certain parts of Homesutck initially were as well (this was before my time). The end credits and post-end credits content were released in the style of Snapchat posts. Last year, the worlds S.U.V.s collectively released almost a billion metric tons of carbon dioxide. The largest, most active Homestuck community. An otherwise slumbering fandom ignited as people filled Reddit forums with speculation. In case you don't know what I am talking about:, You must have a lot of time on your hands to look into all that, don't you? At its peak, the comic entertained roughly 600,000 readers a day, and inspired one of the most robust cult followings of a generation fans filled convention floors with cosplays of the characters and filled online forums and websites like Tumblr full of fan art. problem What video games and movies dont depict correctly is the insane recoil automatic fire causes. He would commandeer a handful of characters, and I do the same. Please our crops are dying Cohen: yep! In a flurry of accusations, the video called out both the studios financial decisions and Hussies own creative work as it pertained to the release of the game. And then, on Earth, sometime in the far future, these immortal snake alien things give birth to another alien who will eventually become the Lord English and he plays the game too. Tumblr community vs. every other community. HOMESTUCK If you actually read Hussie's tumblr about that incident, you would see that he specifically changed it not because people were upset about it but because other people on tumblr were using the canonicalization of tricksters as white to be nasty to others and he didn't want anything to do with that. So its not that Im saying fandom is all bad, instead Id just say that the appearance of anything positive about fandom should be treated with suspicion, and as if it could become destructive at any moment for any reason. I welcome it. The mock content warnings that show up at the beginning of the epilogues are not mock anything Why The few legitimate criticisms that arent nitpicks or blind virtue signaling arent even all that damning. Having read the comic I plan to cover the humor and the format, as well as the relationship between Hussie and the fandom pretty extensively. Hussie initially spoke to Polygon before the Sarah Z video, but agreed to follow up conversations after its release. The content vacuum created by a cryptid leader results in overwhelming conditions of parasociality, and the projections of personality, morality, and biographical data onto the blank-slate leader can get ludicrous, and often pretty spiteful. Last year, the worlds S.U.V.s collectively released almost a billion metric tons of carbon dioxide. Maybe it would help if I knew what "AAVE" is, though. OK, but how is that racist? Dont try to make me part of some angry mob. why are you playing with those dangerous girls?". Homestuck uses Flash, which means that it has why homestuck is problematic true wait, what? Weirdly, copyright law is an area of knowledge where people seem to feel completely sure giving their thoughts/opinions no matter how little research they've done on the subject. Due to fans arguing over the race of characters Hussie put in a joke in which one of the characters (jane) says "I feel so caucasion" when she's in trickster mode. Homestuck has always pushed the boundaries in some regards but it is also a product of the inherent freedom of speech awarded to an internet based medium, failing to see this while reading though it is staggering honestly. But discussing inefficiencies and difficulties doesnt automatically translate to grumbling, but can be constructive and even strengthen bonds. Webi do think there is a lot to say on why homestucks fanbase is (to put it bluntly) so transgender in such a specific and interesting way. It can be a turn in the story they dont like, the way a fictional character is treated, or the way other members of fandom they disagree with are behaving. Point 3: Homestuck is not delicate or child friendly. That having been said Alternia, at least to me, was supposed to be some kind of dark joke about society; I mean their Jesus upon the moment of his crucifixion started cursing everyone out because they're just so shitty. Artist and writer Andrew Hussie is a reluctant father of internet fandom. The fact that they changed it is what's wrong. When I did that I had a problem with the paginate laravel 8 UI getting messy and somehow it happened. DISH network users facing authentication or login issues. The solid sales performance also lifted the food retailer's profit margins. Hes just a cis man. academstuck - Tumblr and Slang to Learn Before This doesn't excuse every instance, but Homestuck generally invites its readers to think critically about what's being said. I thought we were more on the page of "Hussie is terrible because of recent incidents like the released emails between the moderation team and him", Man like almost every single criticism this person presents can be explained away with one of 3 responses. Also feel free to send me ideas of things youd like me to cover! How to Read Homestuck: 8 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow Can you imagine what my first attempts at writing looked like? After all (Vriska)'s whole personality changed. Ill give credit where credit is due, and then some. God I cant stand moral guardians like that. March 3, 2023. Conspiracy theories, outright fabrications, connecting dots on whatever precious facts are known to paint whatever picture the theorizer wants to paint. Its upsetting to read either way. The result is probably one of the coolest pages in the whole comic, and one of the coolest things Ive seen done in fiction changing nothing but the size and color of the text. Wed take turns role-playing a story together, tacking on the next action with and then. I know that Im asking questions, and sometimes thats good enough. There is no denying that. Homestuck is a product of its time, and even if it wasnt the characters presented are all socially inept children, so of course some weird stuffs Gonna come out their mouth. According to the definitions posted above, ableism occurs when society considers the non-disabled as the standard for living, and the disabled are marginalizedand Tavros is constantly marginalized as an other throughout his presence in Homestuck. And thats just me. Except, has this to say: EB: that's fine, you are entitled to your opinion, i am just saying that being a white guy who is a rapper with a ventriloquist doll is not cool by any stretch of the imagination or by any definition of word cool, ironic or otherwise. than to disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed. Theres a problem with activations getting backed up, & stuck in our system. Our more overpowered characters fell to the wayside so we could tell the stories of characters who had to face a conflict or struggle to get what they wanted. Every single one of those tags appears somewhere in the story, including but not limited to: unhealthy relationships, graphic depictions of violence, transphobia, rape, major character death, and (may God help us all) eggs. The difference should be obvious, Devils advocate here: She's small, not neccesarily young. She is the only female (and carapacian) member of the Felt, and is one of the three members whose name is not printed entirely in green, the "o" being printed in black to resemble an 8 ball itself. But maybe that's just my take. The solid sales performance also lifted the food retailer's profit margins. Streamers have to become increasingly savvy about the need to defend personal boundaries without provoking the ire of fans. Was it really an insult? Secondly, much of what the document draws attention to are things criticised within the text. Theres the aforementioned not-finishing-the-story-ness I talked about earlier. Technically, a lack of masking is a presentation issue a sign that a theater no longer cares but it can lead to projection problems, too. The largest flaw in Terezis portrayal is that, while she is blind, she relies on superpowers that essentially eliminate her blindness and eliminate the real experiences of actual blind people, making her blindness into its own disability superpower. Tavros treatment in homestuck is also disgusting, in all honesty. Constantly seeking out fetishistic situations and sexualizing characters in a fantasy story as well reading straight up bullshit from in-between the lines. Then again, depending on the atmosphere of any given moment in fandom, there may be at least as many simps projecting absurd deification fantasises on the leader.. It spent its last moments introducing characters and mechanics only to turn around and not explain jack. Incest - all trolls are biologically "related" Incest isn't a problem for them. They also continually support gross artists, like Aeritus for example who has lots of merch on ffbf, and ships incest ships without much of a second thought despite being 27 years old. WebWi-Fi 6E is the latest Wi-Fi technology that provides faster speeds, lower latency, and improved overall network performance. 36.87%. Why 1,362,830. by Your Name' Is Problematic If you are talking about, Karkat: hey asshole, stop playing games for girls, then I see it differently from you. But there are uncomfortable aspects to it. 164 Followers. I know there are more, I'll update this list when I remember them. Okay so later John says nominally Jake is indeed not at fault for being abused but appreciate for a moment how a story about kids playing a computer got to this point. This magic carpet ride of analytical post-epilogue Homestuck fan content has left you feeling exhilarated and yet hungry for more. Point 2: Homestuck is INTENTIONALLY challenging. Attempts to defeat him with conventional weaponry are doomed to fail because he is already here. In this sense, fandom itself, with examples like Homestuck, was the precursor to the asymmetrical relationships that have come to characterize so much of online life. why His use of a wheelchair, for example, is frequently exploited as a weakness to make fun of. I'm on the same boat here. Leitmotifs will appear again and again in comic in recurring scenarios, creating something more than a callback, but less than full force beat-you-over-the-head-with-it thematic synergy. The [Online Poisoned] often even joke with self awareness about their bad internet habits, but [they] just keep doing it, Hussie said. ._3wvjcIArtO7kKPJabZfZ9S{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:400;line-height:16px;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText);display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin-right:24px;opacity:0;transition:opacity .1s ease-in-out}._3wvjcIArtO7kKPJabZfZ9S._1c98ixuh4QUWO9ERiFID3p{opacity:1}.RtAsN7UrR7u51W5kaOXvp{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin-left:4px;margin-right:0}._1JRtpiobR4jYtbw-xx1tPO{border:1px solid var(--newRedditTheme-body);margin-left:-7px;transform:scaleX(-1)}._1JRtpiobR4jYtbw-xx1tPO:nth-child(2){margin-top:4px} Andrew Hussie It wasn't even that funny! Maybe you watched a lot of Naruto, so your big project is filled to the brim with edgy ninjas and impractically sized swords. He who is without sin may cast the first stone. Ever heard of that? Dynamic Programming is a method of solving problems that represent a specific structure where a problem can be broken down into subproblems which are again similar to the original problem. "The Help" became the most-watched movie on Netflix over the past week, according to their US trend bar. WebMost toxic K-Pop fandoms include ARMY (BTS), EXO (EXOTIC), Twice (Once), and more. (Talking about sniffing Marvus) So, we are kinkshaming now? Homestuck This webcomic sucks on Tumblr In a video published in April 2021, Canadian YouTuber Sarah Z delved into the history of Homestuck and Hiveswap, with a focus on the turbulent development cycle of Hiveswap. It is a subversive work of fiction that plays with the concept of creation on multiple levels. Too bad the post is gone. Every bit of it is there in order to prepare the troll kids for the game. To him, a reluctant cult leader will withdraw from the spotlight and rarely address their followers. Even considering the medium of the text itself, its a remarkably online object. [Updated] Verizon says users unable to activate their devices due They post in the most inappropriate moments, for example, a tragedy happened, and all of a sudden a K-Pop post pops up in the replies not once but many, many times. This caused such a huge blowup in the fandom that Hussie eventually changed the line to "I feel so peachy". Yeah, I get it. or have experienced the same thing? Very much like a guy with a fat fetish isn't too likely to reject a thin girl by saying "Sorry, I am just this HUGE chubby chaser, so I must decline Not that any of this changes how we view Kanaya. Sure, their bodies didn't change, but don't you dare say ghosts don't mature mentally. Gross Margin. Pyscholonials doesnt give in to hopelessness. As it goes in the story, she was drunk driving, and after the cop gets physical with her, she grabs the gun from his holster and shoots. A first-time sci-fi or fantasy novel can be around 100 thousand. Press J to jump to the feed. So what fills that vacuum is rampant speculation. N/A. newsletter, Streamers have to become increasingly savvy, what people think they know about them online, information around topics like mental health, like writing fanfiction or creating fan art. They dont have a concept of incest and I wouldnt be surprised if they werent bothered by age Gaps either with how impersonal their mating is. Homestuck in review: The Internets first masterpiece Thewhirlwindofanarticledropsyou on a plush cushion of narrative airexactlywhereyoustarted,butolder,wiser,andaround whole20 minutesshorterontime. It's a silly argument but it exists nonetheless. This fits in with the medical model of ableism, described on as: The power to change disabled people seems to lie with the medical and associated professions, with their talk of cures, normalization, and science.This enormous crime that they do to Tavros is never critiqued or addressed as problematic in any way; instead it is brushed off as being perfectly acceptable, like every other instance of ableism in Homestuck. Dogfighting is a type of blood sport in which dogs are forced to fight one another for the entertainment and/or profit of spectators. Yes, Vriska did that. Or Faygo. Asaresult, the narrative remains incomplete and unstable, and the relevance of key events is questioned all together. Problem In some ways this was prompted Hussie took fan input while writing the original story and incorporated it into the final product. Haha, the gif is actually still on the server at: Copyright issues; unlike many, more mainstream (and powerful) content producers who kind of give convention artists alleys the big shrugaroo, a small buisness like What Pumpkin LLC, the company that sells Homestuck merchandise, does not have the luxury of being able to afford turning a blind eye to fan produced content, and is thus very strict about people selling fanmade Homestuck content. WebWell, another problem: Homestuck isnt really hypertext fiction. Gross Margin. See, I love how I can just type stuff like that and it makes sense still. This is silly on a few levels. The Homestuck Discord exists at if you want to chat with fellow fans. Buckets, apparently someone threw one at a Karkat at a convention. A weekly roundup of the best things from Polygon, By submitting your email, you agree to our, Andrew Hussie, the reluctant cult leader, on life after Homestuck, Sign up for the Its not like every single thing that ever happened in the decades-long span the Candy timeline took place is available for us to read. Let's go: Meenah died at 19, this iteration of Vriska died at 13. there are pedophilic implications between Chahut who is confirmed to be basically an adult, soon to be taken off the planet and Amisia, a literal child, these were done by the same artist. The very same iteration of Vriska that is also 13. There exists a possibility of me being a pizza. Maybe that Naruto fan now makes kick-ass, empowering, shonen-like stories. What is this threat? Regardless, the intense gaze of the man in the thumbnail dares you to go on and see what the hell this is all about. We apologize for this WebA tale about a boy and his friends and a game they play together. When users affected by the problem try to access the DISH network system, all they get is a System is currently But if you want me to be more upfront about casual forth wall disintegration than I already have, I can humor you. What Pumpkin LLC is the business in question, not Andrew himself. Especially assholes brazen enough to supply your own thoughts to you with a subtle perspective shift from first to second person. And thats not even touching anything a part of Homestucks spin-off game, Hiveswap. Hearing that person use the word r*****ation made me so uncomfortable because r**ard is a slur and shouldnt be used no matter what. Dividend Yield. Yet were given both to read. WebIts likely that managers who say, bring me solutions, not problems dodge complaints and criticism to avoid time-consuming conflicts and tiresome tension. Welcome to Alternia. Its also an allegory for what Im doing presently with Psycholonials. Dividend Yield. No Disney-style moral to repeat to your children. But, there is still no ETA for everything to work normally again. Like how Vriska, a character who spent the entire comic inserting herself into important story events in a quest to become the most important character of the narrative, ends up trapped in Candy, locked away forever from canon. TSP problem is a classical problem since 1832 [from wiki]. In a personal sense, this story is an odd fusion of two allegories. I mean it is a book, so it technically is porn? It was meant to be a joke about the character suddenly having an actual skin color instead of a pure white one. Andrew Hussie - Wikipedia that's all i'm saying. And then the monsters came. And then they got in a rocket.. People cared more about her being a lesbian than they cared about her being a gross stereotype whos main priority is money and business!! And then there are all the people who cant shroud themselves in secrecy. Reminder to message me @colorfulconstellations if you would like to apply to be a mod! Just more things: more plot, more dialogue, more mechanics, more characters, more questions, on and on and on and on until it just runs out of breath and falls over. Still, he said that the text works as a thematic followup to his entire experience with building a fandom. And then they win the third time, after John rewrites the story to make that happen, and finally get to go to a new universe and live happily ever after. Yo! We have different media, slang, food, hobbies, etc, so Hussie's references soared straight over my head. So to that end I'd like to know what events caused the biggest splash with fans. In the spirit of using the Internet as a medium, the epilogues were released in the style of an AO3 post. But understanding that Psycholonials is chiefly an anti-cult narrative should help point to how I view the Homestuck phenomenon.

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