A defending commander must take a wide range of actions to protect the mobility of his force while degrading the mobility of the enemy. 8-23. Improper use can create an advantage for the enemy. Fire support assets continue to attack enemy follow-on forces before they can be committed to the MBA. For example, an AA into a unit's AO from one of its flanks normally requires establishing supplementary positions to allow a unit or weapon system to engage enemy forces traveling along that avenue. 8-87. (Chapter 10 discusses the mobile defense. The battle position is an intent graphic that depicts the location and general orientation of the majority of the defending forces. The commander positions his defending forces to ensure mutual employment of defensive resources, such as crew-served weapons, observation, and maneuver elements. He concentrates the attack by reinforcing select subordinate units so they can execute the attack and, if necessary, maintain the existing defense. Unit boundaries should not split avenues of approach or key terrain. The mobile defense gives the enemy an opportunity to cross the obstacle with a portion of his force. <> The commander coordinates air and ground movements supporting the commander's maneuver scheme with any other affected services. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use. There may be an increased demand for decontaminants and chemical protective equipment. Locations of enemy command posts, fire direction control centers, electronic warfare sites, and target acquisition sensor and target fusion sites and the frequencies they are using. Normally, counterair operations are classified as offensive or defensive. Although the names of these types of defensive operations convey the overall aim of a selected defensive operation, each typically contains elements of the other and combines static and mobile elements. The wider the dispersion, the greater the potential for limiting damage. Gen. Eric Strong, U.S. Army. Closing gaps in a defense plan before the arrival of ground maneuver forces. This might require him to adopt economy of force measures in some AOs while temporarily abandoning others in order to generate sufficient combat power. 1428 Valley View Road Dunwoody, GA 30338 Phone: 678 4270847, JSB Market Research : Electronic Control Security Inc. : Aerospace and Defense - Company Profile, SWOT and Financial Analysis, - "Electronic Control Security Inc. : Aerospace and Defense - Company Profile, SWOT & Financial Analysis" contains in depth information and data about the company and its operations. Logistics operators must address these and other logistics preparations in the planning process to avoid compromising the operation. The nature of retrograde operations involves an inherent risk of degrading the defending force's morale. Enemy reconnaissance objectives or goals. This generated capability must be carefully sited with regard to enemy systems and friendly capabilities. The proper organization of the forward slope to provide observation across the entire front and security to the main battle positions. The 29th RC employed its attached forces aggressively, creating combined arms teams to hold terrain or maneuver against German forces within the defensive belt. Security operations seek to confuse the enemy about the location of the commander's main battle positions, prevent enemy observation of preparations and positions, and keep the enemy from delivering observed fire on the positions. The commander can use battle positions and additional direct fire control and fire support coordinating measures (FSCM) in addition to those control measures introduced in Chapter 2 to further synchronize the employment of his combat power. Local defending units immediately and violently counterattack any enemy bridgeheads established to destroy enemy forces located within the bridgehead, while higher echelons attempt to isolate enemy bridgehead sites. Enemy forces begin to transition to the defensethis defense may be by forces in or out of contact with friendly forces. Preparations typically include resupplying unit basic loads and repositioning or reallocating supporting systems. He takes advantage of war gaming that takes place in the military decision making process to derive his decision points. Given a tactical scenario in a simulated combat environment and individual combat equipment, participate in defensive combat operations, per the student handout. A supplementary position is a defensive position located within a unit's assigned AO that provides the best sectors of fire and defensive terrain along an avenue of approach that is not the primary avenue where the enemy is expected to attack. This is especially desirable when those supporting units can observe and place fires on the crest and forward slope. These measures attempt to limit damage if the enemy detects the position. In addition to hiding equipment, units can avoid detection by using mud for glassy surfaces and unfilled sandbags over windshields. Copyright 2020 EducationDynamics. 8-172. process where rehearsed operations set conditions that lead to structured occupation of a BSA site. He should allow no gaps between defensive fighting positions when his unit is in restrictive terrain with restricted fields of fire and observation. ), Figure 8-14. Indirect fires have the greatest impact on the enemy when they are synchronized with direct fires and the use of obstacles, defensive positions, and counterattack plans. The commander may also use smoke to help conceal his logistics operations. Transition from one type of operation to another requires mental as well as physical agility on the part of the commanders, staffs, and units involved as well as accurate situational assessment capabilities. (Chapter 11 discusses the delay.). Perimeters vary in shape depending on the terrain and situation. Security, combat support (CS), and combat service support (CSS) forces may operate outside a unit's battle position. It also describes the methods and essential principles for planning protective obstacles. He positions his forces in mutually supporting positions in depth to absorb enemy penetrations or canalize them into prepared EAs, defeating the enemy's attack by concentrating the effects of overwhelming combat power. FM 3-21.10 pg 4-4 Waiting for the attack is not . Each form of retrograde operation has its unique planning considerations, but considerations common to all retrograde operations are risk, the need for synchronization, and rear operations. The profile contains a company overview, key facts, major products and services, SWOT analysis, business description, company history, recent developments as well as company locations and subsidiaries. The stationary commander determines the location of the line. 8-16. This is often the shadows provided by woodlines, wadies, and buildings. 8-136. Hiding is the complete concealment of an object by some form of physical screen. Locations of possible enemy assembly areas. Other reasons for conducting defensive operations include. Defensive operations alone normally cannot achieve a decision. (See Figure 8-7.) A strong point is a heavily fortified battle position tied to a natural or reinforcing obstacle to create an anchor for the defense or to deny the enemy decisive or key terrain. The Operations Sergeant supervises the School NCO and the Range and/or the Ammunition . Can I Get An Extension On My Post 9/11 GI BIll So I Can Finish My Bachelor's Degree? Logistics plans should address the provision of CSS during branches and sequels to the defense plan, such as a counterattack into the flank of an adjacent unit. The PLAA still maintains that defense is a fundamentally stronger form of warfare than offense, but it acknowledges that many elements of the informationized battlefield have changed the traditional dynamics between attack and defense. Attack avoidance means taking steps to avoid being seen by the enemy. Location of enemy indirect fire weapon systems and units. (9) PLAA Defensive Operations - APAN Community Offensive and Defensive Tactics is the Marine Corps' basic warfighting offensive and defensive tactics publication. 8-170. Scope. The commander must also examine the enemy's capability to conduct air attacks against his force, insert forces behind friendly units, and employ nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. His weapons cannot depress enough to engage. Subsequent positions can also have primary, alternate, and supplementary positions associated with them. Location, numbers, and intentions of civilian populations. Rear area security operations, such as containment of an enemy airborne or helicopter assault. Balance the risk of conserving combat power while remaining disposed to the intent of the defensive mission. Compensation may impact where the Sponsored Schools appear on our websites, including whether they appear as a match through our education matching services tool, the order in which they appear in a listing, and/or their ranking. Mutual support exists when positions and units support each other by direct, indirect, lethal, and nonlethal fire, thus preventing the enemy from attacking one position without being subjected to fire from one or more adjacent positions. He may augment security with squad-size or smaller observation posts that are provided and controlled by units on the perimeter. It is generally useful at lower tactical levels, such as battalion and below. He places permissive FSCM as close as possible to friendly positions to facilitate the rapid engagement of attacking enemy forces. Five Kinds of Battle Positions. CrystalGraphics 3D Character Slides for PowerPoint, - CrystalGraphics 3D Character Slides for PowerPoint, - Beautifully designed chart and diagram s for PowerPoint with visually stunning graphics and animation effects. PPT Battle Positions - Military PPT While the defending force is aware that the enemy is going to breach an obstacle, the enemy tries to conceal exactly where and when he will try to breach. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) | Missile Threat He ensures that his unit can conduct hasty and deliberate decontamination of its soldiers and equipment. Nuclear attacks may also contaminate deep terrain to restrict or canalize the defender's movement. 8-27. Chemical reconnaissance systems also contribute to the force's mobility in a contaminated environment. 8-104. Normally, companies and battalions occupy strong points, although brigades may construct them. Employing the reserve in conjunction with information operations and fire support systems, such as artillery and aviation. The Soviets reinforced the two fronts defending the salient, prepared defenses, and established a strategic reserve behind the salient. All personnel must ensure the effectiveness of all camouflage measures and maintain strict camouflage discipline. Can You Answer Them? It conducts spoiling attacks to disrupt the enemy's troop concentrations and attack preparations. There are several reasons for developing a Concept of Operations: Get stakeholder agreement identifying how the system is to be operated, who is responsible for what, and what the lines of communication; Define the high-level system concept and justify that it is superior to the other alternatives; 8-77. The enemy has the advantage of deciding when, where, and with what force he will attack. It establishes the procedures and priorities by which a unit reconstitutes itself for the next mission. The supply of obstacle materials in a defense can be a significant problem that requires detailed coordination and long lead times. Perimeter Defense Control Measures. Patrols cover areas that cannot be observed by stationary elements. 8-11. At the onset of the attack, the defending commander yields the initiative to the enemy. The retrograde is a type of defensive operation that involves organized movement away from the enemy (FM 3-0). The CSS commander remains responsible for the defense of his unit. It is especially vulnerable once discovered. If the enemy is to destroy any equipment, he is forced to do it one piece at a time. The unit employs smoke if it is moving and cannot use natural cover or cannot build fortifications. The defender's ability to mass fires quickly and then rapidly reposition its forces is a major factor in disrupting the enemy and establishing the required conditions for successful decisive operations. Passive air defense measures help prevent detection. He maneuvers to place the enemy in a position of disadvantage and attacks him at every opportunity, using his direct and indirect fires. PPT PowerPoint Presentation Thorough planning, effective control, and aggressive leadership will minimize risk during the retrograde or enhance the probability of success. The principle audiences for ATP 3-21.8 are commanders, staffs, and leaders who are responsible. The commander should not wait too long to transition from the defense to the offense as the enemy force approaches its culminating point. The echelon's OPSEC program and any deception efforts conducted in accordance with guidance from higher echelons should conceal from the enemy or mislead him about the location of the MBA and the disposition of friendly forces. In the first technique, he places all of his subordinate units in positions along the perimeter. Make Defensive Operations Great Again - Modern War Institute (Chapter 11 further discusses the retrograde.). When facing heavy enemy forces, light infantry forces are most effective when fighting from prepared defenses or in close terrain, such as swamps, woods, hilly and mountainous areas, and urban areas where they can take advantage of their foot mobility and short-range infantry and anti-armor weapons. This technique closely resembles the use of stay-behind forces. There are three fundamental methods of concealing installations and activitieshiding, blending, and disguising. However, divisions and corps can also organize a perimeter defense when necessary. Dispersion. The common higher commander of the two forces establishes the BHL after consulting with both commanders. As the enemy comes within small arms range, other weapons on the perimeter engage him. A defending unit may have a series of subsequent positions. 8-73. FMs 3-34.1 and 3-34.112 provide additional information concerning the construction and maintenance of survivability positions. At night or during periods of limited visibility, the commander may position small tactical units closer together to retain the advantages of mutual support.

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